10 Mar 2025
Tuesday 30 April 2013 - 16:13
Story Code : 26431

Today�s top stories in Iran, 30-04-2013

Today�s top stories in Iran, 30-04-2013
Today�s top stories in Iran include�Iranian President Office rejecting false reports on election fraud in 2009;�Iranian president's unveiling a stamp�commemorating�'National Day of Persian Gulf'; designing Islamic-Iranian uniforms for university students in Iran; Iran's plan to add�2nd giant Middle East drilling to Caspian Sea;�Iran navy's increasing presence in free waters and�Former health minister�s warning of double drug prices in Iran.

Iranian President Office denies allegation of 2009 election fraud
The public relations center of the President office released a statement, denying false reports of reports of 2009 electoral fraud, FNA said.

On Monday some media outlets in Iran claimed that Ahmadinajad was in possession of a tape that would prove that authorities had inflated his number of votes in the 2009 race by 8 million and thus brought his total tally to 24 million instead of his original 16 million.

'Iran�s Ahmadinejad unveils a stamp honoring 'National Day of Persian Gulf"
In a celebration commemorating the �National Day of Persian Gulf�, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has unveiled the stamp issued to honor the day, FNA reported.

Islamic-Iranian uniforms for university students in Iran
According to Mehr, Fatemeh Balghani has announced that Al-Zahra University and National Foundation of Fashion and Clothing have signed an agreement for university students� uniform program called �Parnia�. According to the agreement, Al-Zahra University will hold a student fashion show in which Islamic-Iranian clothes will be put on display for all university students.

Iran to construct 2nd giant Middle East drilling
Having constructed Amir Kabir semi-submersible platform, Iran plans to add the second giant Middle East to Caspian Sea -World geopolitical oil and gas field, Mehr news agency reported.

Iran�s navy to construct more Jamaran destroyers: Cmdr.
According to FNA, Iran�s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari says Iran plans to construct other Jamaran destroyer to boost the Navy�s preparedness, expressing that it is hoped that Iran's Navy can increase its presence in free waters.

Former health minister: �Drug prices in Iran double
Iran�s former Health Minister, Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi has warned that the prices for medicine drugs in the country can double. Pointing to patients� problems in paying medical expenses, Vahid Dastjerdi has urged lawmakers to prevent offering dollar at the Forex Center rate to medicine importers, Khabarfarsi reported.


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