They also highlighted the anti-Saudi law passed by the US Congress, which allows the victims of 9/11 attack to file lawsuits against the sponsors of terrorism.
The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines:
1- Iraqi Army Frees Albu Diab in North of Ramadi
2- WSJ: Washington Supports Removal of Sanctions against 2 Iranian Banks after Release of American Prisoners
3- Fuad Masum: Ankara Still Refuses to Take Its Forces Out of Iraq

Abrar-e Eqtesadi:
1- Government Receives Permission for Purchase of $1.58bn Shares of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
2- Irans Central Bank Governor Calls for European Banks Support
3- Russia to Give Iran $5bn Loan for Completing Construction Projects
4- Iran and Greece Start Banking Talks

1- Saudi Arabia Warns US against Law to Prosecute Sponsors of Terrorism
2- Oil Minister: OPEC Made an Exceptional Decision during Algeria Meeting
3- Aviation Organization: Irans Negotiations with Airbus and Boeing Not Political

1- Saudi Arabia to Take Its Assets Out of US
2- Iran and India to Develop Port Cooperation
3- Stable Isotopes of Fordow to Become Operational in a Month

Aftab-e Yazd:
1- Irans Great Oil Achievement and the Heavy Silence of Those Who Pretended to Be Worried about the Countrys Oil Industry; OPEC Forced to Accept Irans Stance
2- Saeid Jalilis Candidacy in Next Years Presidential Elections Is Final

1- Obama: Congress Move to Reject Veto Was Politically-Motivated
2- Expert: 3 Reasons for Which Irans Name Is Mentioned in US Presidential Debates
- JCPOA Is Was of the Most Important Issues on Which US Elites and Parties Disagree
- US Accuses Iran of Sponsoring Terrorism Because of Its Support for Jihadi Groups against Israel
- In a Move to Please Arab Countries, Israel, and Even Turkey, US Claims that Iran Is Root Cause of Middle East Crises, Including the Ones in Yemen and Syria

Arman-e Emrooz:
1- Senior Conservative Bahonar: Were Not Looking for Someone Who Runs against Rouhani; My Score to JCPOA Is 16/20
2- Ayatollah Jannati Referring to Leaders Advice to Ahmadinejad: Sedition Was Prevented from Beginning

1- Shamkhanis Warning to Americans: More Serious Decisions to Be Made If US Continues to Violate Its Commitments
2- Washington Supports Removal of Sanctions against Two Iranian Banks
3- OPECs Exceptional Decision after Eight Years
4- Asghar Farhadi, the 13th Director in The Playlists Best and Most Exciting Directors Working Today; The Late Abbas Kiarostami Was Also among the Top 10 If He Was Alive
5- Interior Minister: Saudi Arabia Helping Bandits in Eastern Iran

1- Saudi Arabia in Isolation: Cold Ties between Riyadh and Washington; Grounds Prepared for Irans Powerful Presence in Region

1- Diplomacy of Saving Oil Industry: In Most Important Event in Algeria, Iran Managed to Establish Its 4m bpd Oil Output through Successful Diplomacy
2- Irans Former Envoy to OPEC: Economic Pressure Made Saudi Arabia Think Wisely

1- OPEC Decides to Decrease Oil Output: Oil Ministers Consultations in Algiers Lead to Saudi Arabias Back-Off
2- Oil Minister: OPEC Oil Output to Be Decreased to 32.5 bpd
3- Deal with Renault for Annual Production of 300,000 Cars in Iran
4- Irans Presence in Atlantic Ocean in the Near Future: Army Navy Commander
5- Moscows Warning to US: Dont Approach Our Forces in Syria
6- Nuclear Chief: JCPOA Has Opened Many Ways

1- Ahmadinejad Didnt Believe in Negotiation Based on Leaders Conditions: Salehi

1- Shamkhani: Belief in US Is Just a Mirage: Shamkhani
2- Salehi: US Is Violating Its Commitments in Lifting the Law that Restricts Visa for Europe Scientists
3- OPEC Is Revived
4- Arabs Crying over Shimon Peres Corpse!

Jomhouri Eslami:
1- Sanctions against Bank Sepah Lifted Based on Iran-US Deal
2- Syrian Crisis Puts US and Russia on Verge of Confrontation

1- US Promise Was Empty: Kerry Says Washington Has Remained Committed to All of Its Promises!
2- Ansarullah Test-Fires Its New Missile by Hitting Saudi Arabias Military Base

Payam-e Zaman:
1- Heart Disease Accounts for 40% of Deaths among Iranian Youths

1- Washington Betrays Saudi Arabia: US Congress Rejects Obamas Veto
2- Increase of Poverty in Britain
3- Sarkozy Becomes Focus of Attention in Europe

Setareh Sobh:
1- US Threatens to Leave Syria Talks: Possibility of an End to Syria War Less than Ever

1- Hillary or Trump, Which One Is More Dangerous to Iran: A Look at US Presidential Candidates Approaches
2- Judiciary Chief: Its Not on Judiciarys Agenda to Lift Death Penalty for Drug Smugglers

Vatan-e Emrooz:
1- Result of Being a Servant: World Shocked by US Congress Anti-Saudi Law

By Iran Front Page