Newspapers on Saturday covered the Iranian government’s success in the recent OPEC meeting. The Oil Ministry managed to exempt Iran from the oil freeze plan, which was approved by all members, including Saudi Arabia.
They also highlighted the anti-Saudi law passed by the US Congress, which allows the victims of 9/11 attack to file lawsuits against the sponsors of terrorism.
The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines:
1- Iraqi Army Frees Albu Diab in North of Ramadi
2- WSJ: Washington Supports Removal of Sanctions against 2 Iranian Banks after Release of American Prisoners
3- Fuad Masum: Ankara Still Refuses to Take Its Forces Out of Iraq
Abrar-e Eqtesadi:
1- Government Receives Permission for Purchase of $1.58bn Shares of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
2- Iran’s Central Bank Governor Calls for European Banks’ Support
3- Russia to Give Iran $5bn Loan for Completing Construction Projects
4- Iran and Greece Start Banking Talks
1- Saudi Arabia Warns US against Law to Prosecute Sponsors of Terrorism
2- Oil Minister: OPEC Made an Exceptional Decision during Algeria Meeting
3- Aviation Organization: Iran’s Negotiations with Airbus and Boeing Not Political
1- Saudi Arabia to Take Its Assets Out of US
2- Iran and India to Develop Port Cooperation
3- Stable Isotopes of Fordow to Become Operational in a Month
Aftab-e Yazd:
1- Iran’s Great Oil Achievement and the Heavy Silence of Those Who Pretended to Be Worried about the Country’s Oil Industry; OPEC Forced to Accept Iran’s Stance
2- Saeid Jalili’s Candidacy in Next Year’s Presidential Elections Is Final
1- Obama: Congress’ Move to Reject Veto Was Politically-Motivated
2- Expert: 3 Reasons for Which Iran’s Name Is Mentioned in US Presidential Debates
- JCPOA Is Was of the Most Important Issues on Which US Elites and Parties Disagree
- US Accuses Iran of Sponsoring Terrorism Because of Its Support for Jihadi Groups against Israel
- In a Move to Please Arab Countries, Israel, and Even Turkey, US Claims that Iran Is Root Cause of Middle East Crises, Including the Ones in Yemen and Syria

Arman-e Emrooz:
1- Senior Conservative Bahonar: We’re Not Looking for Someone Who Runs against Rouhani; My Score to JCPOA Is 16/20
2- Ayatollah Jannati Referring to Leader’s Advice to Ahmadinejad: Sedition Was Prevented from Beginning

1- Shamkhani’s Warning to Americans: More Serious Decisions to Be Made If US Continues to Violate Its Commitments
2- Washington Supports Removal of Sanctions against Two Iranian Banks
3- OPEC’s Exceptional Decision after Eight Years
4- Asghar Farhadi, the 13th Director in The Playlist’s Best and Most Exciting Directors Working Today; The Late Abbas Kiarostami Was Also among the Top 10 If He Was Alive
5- Interior Minister: Saudi Arabia Helping Bandits in Eastern Iran

1- Saudi Arabia in Isolation: Cold Ties between Riyadh and Washington; Grounds Prepared for Iran’s Powerful Presence in Region

1- Diplomacy of Saving Oil Industry: In Most Important Event in Algeria, Iran Managed to Establish Its 4m bpd Oil Output through Successful Diplomacy
2- Iran’s Former Envoy to OPEC: Economic Pressure Made Saudi Arabia Think Wisely

1- OPEC Decides to Decrease Oil Output: Oil Minister’s Consultations in Algiers Lead to Saudi Arabia’s Back-Off
2- Oil Minister: OPEC Oil Output to Be Decreased to 32.5 bpd
3- Deal with Renault for Annual Production of 300,000 Cars in Iran
4- Iran’s Presence in Atlantic Ocean in the Near Future: Army Navy Commander
5- Moscow’s Warning to US: Don’t Approach Our Forces in Syria
6- Nuclear Chief: JCPOA Has Opened Many Ways

1- Ahmadinejad Didn’t Believe in Negotiation Based on Leader’s Conditions: Salehi

1- Shamkhani: Belief in US Is Just a Mirage: Shamkhani
2- Salehi: US Is Violating Its Commitments in Lifting the Law that Restricts Visa for Europe Scientists
3- OPEC Is Revived
4- Arabs Crying over Shimon Peres’ Corpse!

Jomhouri Eslami:
1- Sanctions against Bank Sepah Lifted Based on Iran-US Deal
2- Syrian Crisis Puts US and Russia on Verge of Confrontation

1- US Promise Was Empty: Kerry Says Washington Has Remained Committed to All of Its Promises!
2- Ansarullah Test-Fires Its New Missile by Hitting Saudi Arabia’s Military Base

Payam-e Zaman:
1- Heart Disease Accounts for 40% of Deaths among Iranian Youths

1- Washington Betrays Saudi Arabia: US Congress Rejects Obama’s Veto
2- Increase of Poverty in Britain
3- Sarkozy Becomes Focus of Attention in Europe

Setareh Sobh:
1- US Threatens to Leave Syria Talks: Possibility of an End to Syria War Less than Ever

1- Hillary or Trump, Which One Is More Dangerous to Iran: A Look at US Presidential Candidates’ Approaches
2- Judiciary Chief: It’s Not on Judiciary’s Agenda to Lift Death Penalty for Drug Smugglers

Vatan-e Emrooz:
1- Result of Being a Servant: World Shocked by US Congress’ Anti-Saudi Law

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