Russia regrets the decision of United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura�s decision to postpone intra-Syrian talks in Geneva, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said.
GENEVA (Sputnik) � Staffan de Mistura decided to�postpone the intra-Syrian talks in�Geneva until�February 25 on�Wednesday, as�many preparatory issues, including humanitarian aid access to�besieged areas in�Syria, remained unresolved.
"De Mistura announced it [the pause in�the talks], it was his decision and how he sees the future course of�the talks is his responsibility," Gatilov said, adding that the envoy was "appointed specifically to�mediate the talks and it is up�to him to�determine the following�course of�action in�that direction."
Gatilov also said that de Mistura must determine the future course of�intra-Syrian talks.
The UN envoy said in�a Wednesday statement that negotiations were postponed because of�a lack of�progress in�the discussions dedicated to�the resolution of�humanitarian issues in�Syria.
Last week, the highly-anticipated talks on�Syrian reconciliation mediated by�the United Nations began in�Geneva in�line with�the December UN Security Council resolution on�Syrian settlement that ruled to�bring the entire spectrum of�political groups in�the crisis-torn country to�the negotiating table.
"Of course, we regret the fact that UN special envoy for�Syria Staffan de Mistura was forced to�make a decision on�the suspension of�negotiations as�a result of�the position taken at�today�s meeting by�the [opposition] delegation from�Riyadh."
Pause in�Intra-Syria Talks to�Affect Int'l Syria Support Group Negotiations
The pause in�intra-Syrian peace talks will affect discussions within�the framework of�the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) planned for�February 11, Gennady Gatilov said.
"I think that what happened today will naturally affect the discussion that will take place on�February 11 in�Munich within�the framework of�the International Syria Support Group," Gatilov said, adding that he hoped that ISSG participants "will speak in�favor of�the continuation of�the negotiation process and nobody will put up�any obstacles."
The International Syria Support Group (ISSG), an international format aiming to�resolve the Syrian crisis, was formed in�November shortly after�the beginning of�the Syria peace talks in�Vienna.
The format currently involves Russia, the Arab League countries, the European Union and some of�its member states, China, Iran, Turkey, the United Nations and the United States.
According to�the Russian deputy foreign minister, Russia and the United States maintain regular contact, including between�Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of�State John Kerry, on�the Syrian issue.
The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on�December 18 on�settling the Syrian conflict. It reaffirmed the goals of�the previous Vienna deals to�bring the entire spectrum of�political groups in�the crisis-torn country to�the negotiating table.