11 Mar 2025
Thursday 4 February 2016 - 09:31
Story Code : 200143

Russia regrets UN envoy's decision to postpone intra-Syrian talks

Russia regrets the decision of United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Misturas decision to postpone intra-Syrian talks in Geneva, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said.

GENEVA (Sputnik) Staffan de Mistura decided topostpone the intra-Syrian talks inGeneva untilFebruary 25 onWednesday, asmany preparatory issues, including humanitarian aid access tobesieged areas inSyria, remained unresolved.
"De Mistura announced it [the pause inthe talks], it was his decision and how he sees the future course ofthe talks is his responsibility," Gatilov said, adding that the envoy was "appointed specifically tomediate the talks and it is upto him todetermine the followingcourse ofaction inthat direction."

Gatilov also said that de Mistura must determine the future course ofintra-Syrian talks.

The UN envoy said ina Wednesday statement that negotiations were postponed because ofa lack ofprogress inthe discussions dedicated tothe resolution ofhumanitarian issues inSyria.

Last week, the highly-anticipated talks onSyrian reconciliation mediated bythe United Nations began inGeneva inline withthe December UN Security Council resolution onSyrian settlement that ruled tobring the entire spectrum ofpolitical groups inthe crisis-torn country tothe negotiating table.
"Of course, we regret the fact that UN special envoy forSyria Staffan de Mistura was forced tomake a decision onthe suspension ofnegotiations asa result ofthe position taken attodays meeting bythe [opposition] delegation fromRiyadh."

Pause inIntra-Syria Talks toAffect Int'l Syria Support Group Negotiations

The pause inintra-Syrian peace talks will affect discussions withinthe framework ofthe International Syria Support Group (ISSG) planned forFebruary 11, Gennady Gatilov said.
"I think that what happened today will naturally affect the discussion that will take place onFebruary 11 inMunich withinthe framework ofthe International Syria Support Group," Gatilov said, adding that he hoped that ISSG participants "will speak infavor ofthe continuation ofthe negotiation process and nobody will put upany obstacles."

The International Syria Support Group (ISSG), an international format aiming toresolve the Syrian crisis, was formed inNovember shortly afterthe beginning ofthe Syria peace talks inVienna.

The format currently involves Russia, the Arab League countries, the European Union and some ofits member states, China, Iran, Turkey, the United Nations and the United States.

According tothe Russian deputy foreign minister, Russia and the United States maintain regular contact, including betweenRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary ofState John Kerry, onthe Syrian issue.

The UN Security Council adopted a resolution onDecember 18 onsettling the Syrian conflict. It reaffirmed the goals ofthe previous Vienna deals tobring the entire spectrum ofpolitical groups inthe crisis-torn country tothe negotiating table.

By Sputnik
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