Iranian filmMeeting Leiladirected by Adel Yaraqi has picked up the top award of the 2013 Tashkent International Film Forum in Uzbekistan.
The actor and director Yaraqis film won the Golden Guepard Award for Best Director at this years festival while the Best Film Award went to the Turkish filmWatchtowerby Pelin Esmer.
A romantic comedy of sorts,Meeting Leilawas written by the Iranian auteur Abbas Kiarostami and the director Yaraqi.
The 88- minute film features a young woman who demands her chain-smoking fianc, an advertising agent, to quit smoking before their marriage.
The award winning actress Leila Hatami stars in the movie that was presented in several international festivals.
The movie competed at the International Panorama section of the 4th edition of Bari International Film Festival in Italy.
The movie was also screened at Panorama section of the 2013 Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival as well as Chicago International Film Festival.
The 2013 Tashkent International Film Forum took place in the Uzbek capital city of Tashkent from October 19 to 24.
By Press TV
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