"Decisions need to be taken now on the #JCPOA to seize this unique opportunity to succeed, and to free up the great potential of a fully implemented deal,"EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell wrote in a tweet on Saturday again to stress the need forsaving the Iran nuclear deal or the JCPOA.
The EU foreign policy chief has again written a piece this time published on the EU website to urge for concluding the nuclear talks on the revival of the JCPOA.
In a recent piece published in Financial Times, the EU foreign policy chief has said that "Now is decision time if we are to save the Iran nuclear deal, noting that US Maximum pressure campaign against Iran has failed.
He also said in the FT piece that he had offered a text to both Washington and in Tehran as the best solution.
Furthermore, the German AMbassador to Tehran has republished Borrell's tweet and said in a post on his Twitter account "Let us all support EUHigh Representative for Foreign & Security Policy@JosepBorrellFcompassionate call: NOW is the time to save the #JCPOA. It's our JOINT responsibility to restore this landmark agreement! ??Decisions need to be taken NOW!"
Meanwhile, the Iranian foreign minister Hossein AmirAbdollahian told Joseph Borrell in a phone call on Wednesday that the US needs to adopt a realistic approach to reach an agreement in the talks, adding Iran always welcomes the path of diplomacy and negotiation.