10 Mar 2025
New Assassinations in Iran: a Sunni Cleric and Formal Armies Were Attacked
An Iranina Sunni clericswho was the Friday prayers leader of the town of Rask in southeastern Iran has been assassinated on Saturday, Press TV reported.

Molavi Mostafa Jangi Zehi was killed on the Chabahar-Sarbaz road in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan late on Friday. The cleric had escaped assassination in August 2010.

No group has claimed responsibility for the murder of the cleric, who was an advocate of Sunni-Shia unity.

According to Fars News agency, semiofficial news agency, the latest reports said thatanother person who was accompanied with the cleric was martyred.

Meanwhile, in Khorramabad, west of Iran, a group of military personnel were shot by two motorcyclists, at the early hours of Saturday morning. In this event, one of them was martyred and another person injured, IRNA reported.

The local official noted that nobodyhadbeenarrestedinthisconnectionbutwewere pursuingthisissue. Due to the proximity ofparliamentary election in Iran, assassination teams were active in order to demolish the country's reputation.

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