24 Oct 2024
Iran has reaffirmed its resolve to keep up the policy of supporting the Palestinian peoples struggles against the usurping, occupying and criminal Israeli regime, saying Muslimnations are duty-bound to pressure world powers and international institutions to bring about an end to Tel Avivs occupation and acts of aggression.

In a statement issued on Thursday, on the eve of International Quds Day, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said the occasion, as the lasting legacy of the Islamic Republics late founder, Imam Khomeini, helped the Palestinian cause live on and brought to light Israels oppression and atrocities against the nation.
Iran believes that the establishment of sustainable peace and tranquility in Palestine will not come about except through the settlement of fundamental issues of the Palestinian crisis, including the end of the occupation, return of refugees, determination of Palestines next system [of governance] based on a referendum attended by all its original inhabitants and finally the formation of an unfractured Palestinian government with holy Quds as [the states] capital, the ministry said.
It called on all Muslim nations and countries to exert pressure on world powers and international organizations to fulfill their legal and humanitarian duty to support the Palestinian peoples rightsand help end Israels occupation, savage crimes in East Jerusalem al-Quds, and other acts of aggression.

According to the statement, the International Quds Day has, over the past years, turned into a symbol of struggleagainst occupation and bullying among all Muslims and freedom-seeking nations across the world and has played a unique role in foiling the vicious and inhumane plots of the aggressive and bullying powers, such as the US and Israel, against the Palestinian people.
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