2 Jun 2024
Thursday 16 July 2020 - 14:05
Story Code : 379803

2 martyred in terrorist attack in Kordestan

MNA IRGC's Hamze Sayyid al-Shohada Base announced that two people were martyred in a terrorist attack in Sarvabad, western Kordestan province on Wednesday night.

As reported, members of a terrorist group, affiliated to the Global Arrogance, shot a Basiji force, a staff member of the municipality, and one of the local people, who were proving aid to regional people in the fight against the coronavirus.

The public relations department of Hamze Sayyid al-Shohada Base announced two of the hit people as martyred and one injured.

Related investigations are underway.

IRGC has vowed revenge, noting that such attacks will not affect the force's determination to help people affected by the outbreak.
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