1 Apr 2025
Sunday 2 February 2020 - 18:50
Story Code : 369478

US sanctions on AEOI chief as sanction on scientific development

MNA In reaction to the US sanctions on its chief Ali Akbar Salehi, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) in a tweet on Sunday described this action as a sanction of international negotiations and scientific development.

Sanctions imposed on Dr. Salehi and Zarif resembles sanctioning international negotiations and scientific development #unwise_move, the statement said.

The US Treasury Department announced new sanctions on Salehi on Thursday, adding his name to the SDN (Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons) List of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

The United States has already imposed sanctions on some Iranian legal officials and individuals, such as Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Condemning the US move, AEOI said that putting sanctions on Salehi will not harm the activities and policies of Iran's nuclear organization.

The spokesman of the AEOI Behrouz Kamalvandi, on Thursday, called the US sanctions on Salehi 'worthless' which only reflects the US desperation.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry also reacted to the sanctions in a statement, saying that the new sanctions will have no impact on the development of Iran's peaceful nuclear program. The spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, reiterated that the US maximum pressure campaign against Iran has reached a dead end and Iran will keep walking the path of independence and self-sufficiency.
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