14 Mar 2025
Sunday 2 December 2018 - 12:31
Story Code : 328942

Iran may start giving punishment for 'extreme' plastic surgery

Sputnik - A law on Beauty and Plastic Operations could be passed in Iran due to the growing popularity of the services. According to Iranian lawmakers, so-called elf ear, cat eye, pig nose and camel lip - popular surgical procedures, need to be included in the list of extreme surgeries due to their unethical and un-Islamic nature.

Hassan Noroozi, spokesperson forthe judicial and legal committee ofthe Islamic Consultative Assembly (Islamic Republic Parliament ed. note Sputnik), noted ina comment forSputnik that changing the forms ofthe body ofa person created by [God] is rejected invarious religions and is considered forbidden. Therefore, Iran will punish lovers ofsuch "un-Islamic" beauty trends according tothe country's criminal code: 74 lashes or jail sentences of10 to60 days, aswell asthat surgeons offering such procedures will also be brought tojustice and deprived oftheir licenses.'

It should be noted that Iran occupies a leading position inthe ranking ofMiddle Eastern countries that provide quality plastic surgery. Thus it is also worth asking, towhat extent could the Beauty Law' proposed bythe Iranian parliament prevent the unusual beauty' trend inthe country, and how do Iranian plastic surgeons themselves view the situation?

In an interview withSputnik, Mohammad Shahin Sadeghi, a leading plastic surgeon, member ofthe Academic Council ofthe Shahid Beheshti University ofMedical Sciences and Health Services inTehran, and former vice speaker ofthe Iranian Mejlis, tried toanswer these questions.

MohammadSadeghi:So far, the draft law has not been published inthe Bulletin ofthe Parliament's Health Commission. Before the law enters intoforce, it will have toreceive approval fromother commissions ofparliament inorder toassume its final form. For example, approval ofthe Parliamentary Food and Drug Administration is very important.

But broadly speaking, I believe that this is a right and good measure toprevent the defacement ofhuman appearance. However, I should note that plastic surgeons themselves sometimes are not againstsolving problems insurgery, even inunconventional ways.

But we inIran believe that plastic surgery is science, knowledge, and work based onmedical principles. We do not accept non-conventional and immoral surgeries asnormal, and we hope that the Ministry ofHealth and Medical Education, aswell asother relevant organizations, will take significant measures toprevent the spread ofthese types ofnon-conventional plastic surgeries. This is largely detrimental tothe image ofour country inthe field ofplastic surgery.

Sputnik: If this bill is approved, will it only apply toIranians? Will there be possible exceptions forforeigners who come toIran foroperations, asIranian specialists inthe field ofplastic surgery and aesthetics are some ofthe most experienced and qualified?

MohammadSadeghi:We have very highly skilled doctors specializing inorgan transplantation, intraditional medicine, and plastic surgery. Many people travel fromEurope toIran formedical services fortwo important reasons. First ofall, the high level ofexperience ofdoctors and their global prestige, aswell asgood and attractive prices forthese services inIran, compared toother countries.

That is why inorder topreserve the brand' ofquality and patient confidence, elementary principles ofmedicine must be respected. There must be a scientific approach toeverything. Extreme' or non-traditional types ofplastic surgery do not fit intothe scientific framework or ethical standards. Furthermore, the practice ofsuch operations also spoils the reputation and image ofmedicine inour country. For this reason, we look forward tono exceptions.

Sputnik: And what is the frequency ofsuch non-traditional operations inIran now?

MohammadSadeghi:At the moment, the number ofsuch operations is not so great, yet not so small: approximately 1 outof every 1,000. But even this number is significant forus. Such amoral fashion must be prevented.

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