Sputnik - It has been less than a month since the US sanctions against Iran came into effect; however, they have already affected the lives of the Islamic Republic�s residents. Sputnik spoke with ordinary Iranians and entrepreneurs about the way the US sanctions have affected their lives and businesses.
The US sanctions have an indirect effect on�insurance and this trend was usually called the anticipation, Mahmud,�an insurance specialist, told Sputnik.
According to�the specialist, the business environment has already started responding to�the news of�the introduction of�sanctions, which has resulted in�an increase in�the price of�gold and foreign currency.
"Obviously, the general price level has also increased, although there were still a few months before�the sanctions came into�effect in�August," he added.
Mahmud stressed the inability to�conduct foreign currency transactions and the growth of�the cost of�insurance due to�inflation as�having been prompted by�the re-introduced sanctions. For example, they've faced an increase in�car insurance prices and a significant increase in�the cost of�certain insurance certificates, such as�health insurance cards, due to�the increase in�prices for�medicine and medical equipment.
Automotive Industry
If one chooses to�observe automotive industry the conditions for�the development of�the industry are now much better compared to�the period before�the JCPOA, Pouriya Ebnrahimi, a machine industry specialist in�the field, said.
"The number of�cars produced has grown; the presence of�French (automakers) Peugeot and Renault in�Iran has played a significant role in�the development of�the industry. We can say that we haven't seen the full effect of�the US sanctions. However, there has been a significant increase in�car prices in�the free market, and some automakers have found it hard to�sell (cars)," the expert explained.
Ebnrahimi also noted that as�soon as�the sanctions come into�full effect, there would to�be a drop in�car production. In addition, certain companies would not get a chance to�produce domestically if the French companies leave Iran.
In addition, there are a lot of�people in�the automotive industry that could lose their jobs because of�sanctions. When asked whether the sanctions would put Iran in�the position where it was before�the JCPOA, the expert said there was no straight answer.
"There's no single answer. On the one hand, both the US and Iran already have some experience with�previous sanctions, which they can rely on. On the other hand, the US sanctions against�Iran are unilateral. Europe and the world community have condemned the US withdrawal from�the agreement, which had been negotiated for�a long time. Iran's advantage is its partnership with�Russia and China."
Book Publishing
Hamed Kani, a book publishing specialist, stressed the negative effect of�the measures, not only on�the country's economy, particularly book production, but�also on�the mood within�society.
The expert pointed out�that the first problem the sanctions have brought to�the public was the psychological mood of�a society that was deteriorating, which might result in�the economic unrest in�various industries and could destroy progress.
Kani also stressed that the change in�the value of�the currency and soaring prices have led to�a rise in�their production costs. This fever has also affected the securities market, which also has a free and a state price; this has also affected book production.
"Books are gradually leaving the book basket thus leading to�a drop in�sales. So, we have to�sell more products having produced fewer. So, while the number of�copies is going down, the prices are rising. If consumers were more interested in�books, they might be cheaper then," the expert added.
Kani believes the situation won't get better and that inflation will continue, which will also have a negative effect on�book publishing.
"I'm not sure we are going to�return to�the times before�the JCPOA. Our historical data shows that the situation won't get better. When prices rise, they rise even more in�a while, but�they don't go down. Only something like�the Resolution 598 can improve the situation, but�I doubt we're going to�see something like�this. I think the dollar will soar, thus affecting book publishing greatly," Kani explained.