23 Feb 2025
Sputnik - Washington has put the squeeze on Western European countries to cancel the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project with Gazprom and demanded that they buy vast quantities of US liquefied natural gas instead. The US has also vowed to sanction companies which buy Iranian oil supplies once US energy sanctions against Tehran step into force in November.

OMV AG CEO Rainer Seele has called on Europe's politicians to do more to protect companies from US sanctions. "There is still a risk of sanctions for European countries," Seele said, speaking to Bloomberg TV.

"We do not see any significant protection from European politicians," the official lamented.

OMV faces the threat ofUS sanctions ontwo fronts. Along withRoyal Dutch Shell, E.ON, Wintershall and Engie, the Austrian energy giant is partnered withRussia's Gazprom onthe construction ofNord Stream 2, a 55 billion cubic meter per year gas pipeline project set torun fromRussia toGermany throughthe Baltic Sea. The project has been intensely criticized byUS President Donald Trump, who has demanded that the EU buy more expensive US liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead. On Monday, Trumpclaimedthat Brussels was mulling the construction ofup to11 new LNG ports inthe wake ofEU Chief Jean-Claude Juncker's pledge toimport more gas fromthe United States. In promoting its own gas, Washington has also threatened tosanction the European companies working onNord Stream 2. Juncker told Luxembourg television onWednesday that Europe's "dependence onRussia has been reduced" viathe decision topurchase more LNG supplies.

The second threat toOMV is the US's demand that allies suspend economic ties withIran followingWashington's exit fromthe Iran nuclear deal inMay. The US's decision toreimpose sanctions againstTehran includes sanctioning any countries which do business withIranian energy concerns. Earlier, the US State Department demanded that countries buying oil fromIran bring their purchases down"to zero"bythe time sanctions kick inon November 4. Last month, Rainer Seeleconfirmedthat his company would pull outof Iran beforethen, saying that the prospect ofUS sanctions was "a much bigger risk forOMV's business thanany possible compensation [from] Europecould offer."
In his Bloomberg interview, Seele said that his company is continuing tostudy the question ofwhether US politicians actually intend tosanction companies involved inthe construction ofNord Stream 2. According tothe official, the project has already been allocated two thirds ofthe necessary funding. Seele reiterated that the project was "in Europe's interests."

OMV AG began moving toreorient its gas production holdings fromfields inthe North Sea tosites inSiberia in2015. The company is still waiting forOslo's permission foran asset swap deal withRussia's Gazprom. Thedeal, which is expected tobe concluded bylate 2018, envisions OMV receiving a 24.95 percent stake inthe development project attwo sites inthe Achimov deposits inUrengoy inexchange forGazprom receiving a 38.5 percent share ofNorwegian OMV (Norge) AS.
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