28 Mar 2025
FNA- Iran's Judiciary Chief Sadeq Amoli Larijani lashed out at Washington for supporting the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people.

"The US showed a green light to the Zionists to commit such crimes," Amoli Larijani said, addressing the judiciary officials in Tehran on Monday.

"The oppressed Palestinian people who have been permanently fighting and were displaced in the past 70 years, are well aware that they should continue resistance and the US should also know that it can no more cover the Zionist regime's crimes and the usurper regime's occupation of the Palestinian lands," he added.

Amoli Larijani underlined that the Palestinian issue is now an issue related to the entire Muslim world which conforms of nearly 2bln people.

Following the US provocative move in relocating its embassy from Tel Aviv to Quds tens of thousands of Palestinians protested the move that were suppressed brutally by the Israeli forces.

At least 62 Palestinians were killed and some 2,700 others injured by live fire or other lethal means.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif strongly blasted the recent crimes by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian nation, and called for a transparent and independent international probe into the Tel Aviv regime's atrocities in the Gaza Strip.

"In light of the massacre in Gaza, the international community is entitled to demand an end to the impunity of this brutal and rogue apartheid regime," Zarif said on Friday, addressing a foreign ministerial meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Palestine in Istanbul, Turkey.

"The OIC should reinforce the call for bringing the perpetrators to justice," the Iranian foreign minister added.
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