19 Mar 2025
April 14, The Iran Project - Recently, several high-ranking Iranian military commanders described the Islamic Republic as undisputed regional superpower, urging the enemies not to test the Armys power.

In separate remarks Minister of Defense (MoD) Brigadier General Amir Hatami, Army Ground Forced commander Brigadier General Kiumars Heidari, Deputy Coordinator of the Iranian Army Habibollah Sayyari as well as Commander of Khatam-al Anbiya Central Headquarters Major General Gholam Ali Rashid hailed Iran latest military achievements and announced that Islamic Republic will give a harsh response to any miscalculation of enemies.

Brigadier General Hatami said currently, Islamic Republic of Iran is capable in the defensive and security field in particular in a way that the country is the authoritative power of the region, adding that the country has managed to materialize its predefined objectives in the critical condition.

Besides, Commander Heidari said Israeli cannot threaten Iran any longer, noting that the date has been set for Israeli regimes destruction.

He described independence as one of the unique characteristics of the Iranian armed forces in comparison with their counterparts in other countries, saying that lots of the armed forces demands are met domestically now.

Commander Heidari said that equipping rapid reaction forces as well as increasing the social status of the Army ground forces are top priorities for the Army this year.

Also, Commander Sayyari said the Iranian Army is ready to tackle threats against the Islamic establishment, urging the enemies not to test the Armys power.

He stated that today Iran faces threats as it is still pursuing the principles and the slogans of the Revolution.

In a meantime, Commander Rashid said Iran follows the policy of defense-deterrence through an inclusive and active presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman.

The regions surrounding the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman have a special place in the defense and security policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, he stressed.

He went on to add, the Islamic Republic of Iran, while monitoring all moves and developments, is fully prepared for any defense and offensive response at the same time as it seeks to manage incidents and prevent the escalation of tension and conflict in the region.
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