3 Mar 2025
Tuesday 10 April 2018 - 17:54
Story Code : 300362

Israeli ambassador arrives at Russian Foreign Ministry after strike on Syria

Sputnik- Israels envoy to Russia Gary Koren is set to meet with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, according to the Sputnik correspondent.

Israels envoy toRussia has been summoned bythe Russian Foreign Ministry regarding an airstrike onApril, 9 ona base inSyria attributed toIsrael, where two Israeli F-15 fighter jets had carried outa strike againstSyria's T-4 airbase amidreports bySyrian media that the military facility had been targeted bymissiles.
"Ongoing discussions are being constantly held withthe Russians and therefore the ambassador will today meet withDeputy Minister Bogdanov," the Foreign Ministry said.

The aim ofthe reported airstrike was the Tiyas air base located outsideof Palmyra incentral Syria. Israel has previously carried outat least one acknowledged attack onthe base, which is known tobe home toan Iranian drone program.

Israel and Russia have organized their military efforts inSyria inrecent years inorder toavoid disputes and accidental conflicts.

Spokesman forRussian President Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov said that Israel had not spoken toMoscow ahead ofthe airstrike even though Russian military advisers could have been present atthe base, which he described as "a cause forconcern forus."

Israel has declined tocomment onthe attack, forwhich it has been accused byRussia, Syria and Iran.

On April9, the Russian Defense Ministry stated thattwo Israeli aircraftshad attacked the airfield, withstrikes being carried outfrom Lebanese airspace. According tothe ministry, five outof eight missiles fired had been intercepted bySyrian air defenses beforereaching their targets.

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