1 Apr 2025
Wednesday 4 October 2017 - 12:52
Story Code : 278168

Irans envoy highlights UN role in promoting peace in Middle East

Tasnim Irans Ambassador to the United Nations Gholam Ali Khoshroo urged the UN as well as the international community to endeavor toward spreading peace and sustainable development in the Middle East.

Our region is now grappling with numerous human, environmental and social challenges. Achieving peace and sustainable development in tandem has become the most urgent priority of the Middle East region. As such, the UN reform process should help the countries of our region to meet their special needs and challenges, Khoshroo said on Tuesday addressing a forum at the UN General Assembly in New York.

Following is the full text of his speech:

Mr. President

I would like to briefly touch upon some of the issues reflected in the report of the Secretary-General, contained in document A/72/1, which we find note-worthy:

As the world is witnessing a plethora of complex and inter-linked challenges, we join the Secretary-General in his assessment in paragraph 4 of the report wherein it states that "now more than ever, multilateral action is needed to find effective solutions to this mix of challenges". We also share his concern in paragraph 140 of the report that "multilateralism is being questioned at a time when we most need coherent global responses to these interconnected events".

In a very pertinent case, we would like to reiterate that the Iran Nuclear Deal, known as the JCPOA, as a testament to the value of diplomacy, should be preserved from any attempt which will undermine not only the Deal, but also diplomacy and multilateralism in general. In this context, we renew our call to the Secretariat to take a more constructive approach in fulfilling its reporting function.

Mr. President,

On preserving the international peace and security, it is rightly pointed out in the report that the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was indeed "a step towards the universally desired goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world." In our view, it was also a collective protest to an almost fifty-year violation of nuclear disarmament obligations by the nuclear-weapon States. In this context, the report was expected to also include the alarming trends of new nuclear arms race and new nuclear arms modernization race, as well as the existence of a strong international call for putting an immediate end to such races.

On the issue of peacekeeping operations, Iran believes that peacekeeping operations are among the strong and effective tools for maintaining global peace and security as well as containing conflicts. However, as recommended by the "High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations" (A/70/95-S/2015/446), Iran believes that the United Nation peacekeeping missions should not engage in military counter-terrorism operations. Such operations should be undertaken by the host governments.

The creation of the Office of Counter-Terrorism to lead the counter-terrorism-related activities across the UN system could enhance the UN capacity, strengthen coherence and coordination, and improve internal and external communication. It could also intensify the UNs capacity in addressing the root causes of terrorism and violent extremism. It is imperative to allocate sufficient financial resources for the OCT from the UN regular budget. We note with concern that in the new structure, most of the positions will be funded through voluntary funds. Moreover, there should be sufficient and sustainable funding available from the regular budget for capacity building to meet the needs of Member States upon request, in an impartial, balanced and sustainable manner.

Mr. President,

As to the ongoing UN reform consultation process on development, it is essential to bear in mind the significance of the alignment and compatibility of the UN development system to the policies, priorities and needs of developing countries with an emphasis on national ownership and leadership at country level. In this context, we would like to recall the scope and mandate of operational activities for the development of the UN system, envisioned in GA resolution 71/243.

Our region is now grappling with numerous human, environmental and social challenges. Achieving peace and sustainable development in tandem has become the most urgent priority of the Middle East region. As such, the UN reform process should help the countries of our region to meet their special needs and challenges.

It is also important that the United Nations regains its leading role in shaping the world public opinion rather than following biased media trends or the agenda of donor countries.

By way of conclusion, Mr. President, my delegation takes note of the Secretary-Generals efforts regarding the reform of the management of the Organization. Id like to emphasize that any reform efforts must strengthen the ability of Member States to perform their oversight and monitoring role as well as to preserve the intergovernmental, multilateral and international nature of the Organization. We will carefully examine the Secretary-Generals reform proposals and actively participate in the consultations on this issue.

The world today faces exceptionally greater risks than before, but we are also endowed with greater opportunities. Lets join hands to confront the risks while appreciating the new opportunities for a better and brighter future.

Thank you very much.

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