4 Mar 2025
Thursday 24 August 2017 - 17:34
Story Code : 273558

Iraqi army kills over 300 ISIL Militants, liberates 31 Tal Afar districts

MNA According to Iraqi army spokesman army has killed over 300 militants of the Daesh militant group and liberated 31 districts of the city of Tal Afar.

The Iraqi army has killed over300 militants oftheDaeshmilitant group (banned inRussia) and liberated 31 districts ofthe city ofTal Afar,Iraqi armyspokesman Yahya Rasul said Thursday.

"A total of302 militants were killed, 31 districts ofTal Afar were liberated," Rasul told a joint press conference withspokesman forthe US-led coalition US Army Col. Ryan Dillon.

According toRasul, there are no more than2,000 Daesh militants inTal Afar, who are mostly foreign fighters.

"The militants inthe city have no choice butto surrender or die," Rasul stressed, adding that no specific date was set forthe end ofthe operation toliberate Tal Afar, which, however, will not be last long.

Dillon, onhis part, noted that all coalition's bases were temporary untilthe end offight againstterrorists inIraq.

On Sunday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi announced the beginning ofthe military offensive aimed atretaking Tal Afar, which is located 30 miles away fromrecently liberated Mosul. Tal Afar is the last major stronghold ofthe Daesh militants onthe border ofIraq withSyria.

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