�ISIS issued a video on Wednesday threatening new attacks in the Iranian capital Tehran and calling on young Iranians to rise up and launch jihad in their country.
�Mohammad Javad Zarif, who is nominated to serve a second term as Iran�s top diplomat, said his priorities are to help reduce tensions in Tehran�s relations with regional states and employ diplomacy to advance Iran�s economic interests overseas.
�French Ambassador to the United States supported the $780m between Iran and the French carmaker Renault tweeting on Wednesday that thee deal is legal and in line with the Iran-G5+1 nuclear deal.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley will travel to Vienna later this month to discuss Iran�s nuclear activities with U.N. atomic watchdog officials, a U.S. official said on Wednesday, as part of Washington�s review of Tehran�s compliance with a 2015 nuclear deal
Readiness and authority of the Iranian armed forces is a deterrent factor against the enemies and a source of honor for the country, said Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan.
�Iran�s lawmakers will start debates on the credentials and backgrounds of President Hassan Rouhani�s proposed ministers on Tuesday, August 15, for the vote of confidence.