23 Feb 2025
Sputnik - Russian Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin said Saturday that he plans to meet with Moldovan President Igor Dodon on August 5 at the inauguration of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Tehran.

OSCOW (Sputnik) On Friday, a Russian S7 airlines plane withRogozin onboard, bound forthe Moldovan capital ofChisinau,was prevented fromflying overthe territory ofRomaniadue tothe fact the official was ona sanctions list.

Over 160 passengers, including 11 children, were onboard. The airplane landed onan aerodrome inMinsk torefuel and contact the Russian authorities regarding further actions. After that, Rogozin returned toMoscow.
"We will be together withhim atthe inauguration ofthe new Iranian President Rouhani inTehran and we plan tomeet withhim onthe sidelines ofthese celebrations. Of course, there will be a serious talk, we need guarantees, more patience, and we can no longer trust inthe guarantees ofthese narrow-minded nationalists. We need clear guarantees that will ensure a normal dialogue," Rogozin told Rossiya-24 broadcaster.

The Russian Foreign Ministry onFridayexpressed strong protesttoRomania inconnection withthe ban byBucharest authorities onthe entry ofa passenger plane carrying Rogozin intoRomanian airspace.

On Wednesday, Moldovan President Igor Dodon said that Rogozin had confirmed his plans tovisit Moldova despiteproposals ofcountry's authorities tocancel the visit asthe delegation had reportedly planned toarrive inthe European nation using the aircraft ofRussia's Aerospace Forces.

Dodon criticizedhis government overthe possible cancellation ofRogozin's visit asan unfriendly move.

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