1 Mar 2025
Thursday 13 July 2017 - 15:09
Story Code : 268201

Iran's newest robot is an adorable dancing humanoid

Spectrum.ieee - Over the last several years, a team of roboticists at the University of Tehran has been working onincreasingly large and complex life-size humanoids. For their latest project, however, the Iranian researchers decided to build something smallerand cuter.

Surena Mini is a knee-high robot with a sleek 3D-printed body, articulated limbs, and a round head with two camera-eyes. Twenty small servomotors power its arms, legs, and neck, allowing the little robot to walk, gesture, and dance:

The main purpose of this robot is to provide researchers and students with a reliable robotic platform for educational and research applications, Aghil Yousefi-Koma, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Tehran, toldIEEE Spectrum.

He added that his group also has plans to offer the robot for helping autistic and deaf children.

A team of 15 researchers at University of Tehrans Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies worked for over a year to design and build Surena Mini, which is 50 centimeters tall and weighs 3.4 kilograms.

Packed inside the robot are a compact computer with an Intel Core CPU, cameras and infrared sensors, speakers, and anIMU, orinertial measurement unit.Its hands arent designed for grasping objects, but Surena Mini can push on small thingsor karate-chop them:

A little over a year ago,the samegroupunveiledSurena III, an advanced adult-sizedhumanoiddesigned for researching bipedal locomotion, human-robot interaction, and other challenges in robotics.

Surena III,equipped with cameras, 3D sensor, and a computer runningROS, or Robot Operating System,was able to pick up bottles, imitate a persons gestures, and stand on one foot.
Surena III, a life-size humanoid robot developed by Iranian researchers at the University of TehranPhotos: University of TehranIranian researchers unveiled Surena III in 2015. The robot, almost 2 meters tall and weighing 98 kilograms, can kick a ball, go up a ramp, and walk down a set of steps.
The Iranian roboticists plan to continue working on Surena III, but they also want to explore the possibility of creating marketableproducts based on their research,Professor Yousefi-Koma explained,and one of the ideas they had was building a kid-size version of Surena.

Surena Minis overall size and design appearsimilar to that of other small humanoids likeNao, developed byFrench robotics company Aldebaran (now SoftBank Robotics), and Robotis OP2,created by U.S. and South Korean roboticists.

But the Iranian robot has yet to show that it has some of the same skills already demonstrated by those other humanoids.NaoandRobotisOP2have been used in research labs,schools, andhospitalsfor nearly a decade.Both arealso usedin theRoboCuprobot soccer competition.
A team of Iranian researchers from the University of Tehran designed and built the humanoid robot Surena MiniPhoto: University of TehranResearchers from the University of Tehrans Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies, led by Professor Aghil Yousefi-Koma (standing between the robots with red and green feet/hands), worked for over a year to design and build Surena Mini.
Despite their size, these little robots are pricey.NaoandRobotis OP2each sell for nearly US $10,000. Professor Yousefi-Koma said Surena Mini will be available for 260,000,000 Iranian rials, or $8,000, but he hopes the cost to come down if the robot can be produced in large batches.

One of the biggest challenges of the project, he explained, has been implementing features like face detection and voice recognition, which would let the robot perform with a greater level of autonomy. His team has developed such capabilities for their large robots, but replicating them using Surena Minis limited hardware is a trickier task.

To program the robot, advanced users can modify the source code to create different behaviors. But the researchers wanted to make Surena Mini accessible to less experience users as well. So they created a programming environment with a graphical interface designed to be attractive and user-friendly, Professor Yousefi-Koma said.

It gives users full access to all available features of the robot, he added,so even beginners can make the robot walk and move its arms and head.
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