3 Jun 2024
Saturday 1 July 2017 - 22:08
Story Code : 266632

Missile power only way for deterrence: senior MP

IRNA Promotion of countrys missile power is the only way for deterring the Islamic Republic against foreign threats, senior lawmaker said on Saturday.

Irans missile tests are not related to UN resolution 2231, he noted.

Boroujerdi added that Iran does not have Weapons of Mass Destruction, including biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, but the US, Zionist regime and some regional countries own such weapons.

Irans missile tests are not a threat to any country, he said, noting that Tehran will not accept any restrictions on its missile program.

The MP pointed to Islamic Republics advisory assistance to regional countries against terrorist groups, and said that the measures have foiled the plots by the US and its allies hatched against Irans national security.

Iran has done its best to resolve problems with Saudi Arabia, he noted, adding that Saudi Arabia's plots for the region have been foiled and they are playing blame game on others to resolve their internal problems.

Boroujerdi pointed to the US violation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and noted that Tehran is bound to its obligations.

Lawmakers are discussing a bill to reciprocate the US congress anti-Iranian measures, he said.
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