31 Mar 2025
Sputnik - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said that United States still violated international law despite what Moscow has learned a coalition attack last week that did not target Syrian troops.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) The United States still violated international law despitewhat Moscow has learned a coalition attack last week that did not target Syrian troops, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said Monday.

"In any case, this was not aboutthe Syrian government forces, butthis does not cancel and does not affect our principled assessment ofwhat happened," Ryabkov told reporters inexplaining the still-active Russia-US deconfliction channel.

On Thursday, the US-led coalition againstthe Daesh terror group (banned inRussia) struck nearSyria's At Tanf, where the United States and UK special operations forces have been training Syrian rebel fighters nearthe border withIraq and Jordan.

"Once again the US side grossly violated the norms ofinternational law and implemented the use offorce againsta sovereign state withouta request fromthe legitimate government ofthat country," Ryabkov said.

Russia sees no obstacles toimplementing the memorandum onde-escalation zones inSyria, Deputy Foreign Minister said.
"I do not see any problems withthe implementation ofthe memorandum signed inAstana, exceptfor a few ideological positions ofour US colleagues, who I understand are hostile toIran's status asa guarantor ofthe implementation ofthis memorandum," Ryabkov told reporters.

Acknowledging the complexity ofthe situation inSyria, the Russian diplomat noted that "this is not a sign that the document is put intoquestion or requires revision."
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