31 Mar 2025
Tasnim The time has come to satisfy popular demands with the conclusion of the presidential election, said Mayor of Tehran Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf who withdrew from Irans presidential race and ended a campaign that focused on criticism of President Hassan Rouhani.

In a statement following President Rouhanis success to secure a second term by winning an absolute majority of the votes in the Friday election, Qalibaf said now that the electoral campaigns are over, the winner should begin to meet popular demands.

In order for avoiding absolutism in the country, critics should pursue peoples legitimate requests within legal frameworks, try to prevent certain groups from bypassing the law, and counter social inequality, he added.

Qalibaf rehashed his categorization of people into the 4% rich and the 96% ordinary citizens, saying he will spare no effort to purse the national goals and the interests of the 96-percent-population.

Qalibaf, a principlist figure and a retired military general, had struggled to drum up support for his presidential campaign by hammering President Rouhani his administration.

The mayor dropped out of the presidential race a few days before the election.
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