11 Mar 2025
Sputnik - Leonid Slutsky, the chairman of the Russian State Duma International Affairs Committee, called the victory of the current Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Fridays presidential election "undoubtedly a good news."

MOSCOW (Sputnik) The victory ofthe current Iranian President Hassan Rouhani inFridays presidential election will ensure predictability ofTehrans actions both inrelations withRussia and onthe international arena, Leonid Slutsky, the chairman ofthe Russian State Duma International Affairs Committee, said onSaturday.

"The victory ofHassan Rouhani inthe presidential election is undoubtedly a good news. His re-election ensures predictability ofTehrans actions both inrelations withRussia and onthe most touchy issues onthe international agenda," Slutsky told reporters.

According tothe lawmaker, duringhis first term inthe office Rouhani acted asone ofthe main mediators inthe Syrian settlements, and founded the format "in which Russia, Iran and Turkey became the guarantors ofthe ceasefire and signed the memorandum oncreation offour safe zones inSyria."
"Iran remains an important partner inall these processes, and the re-election ofits president secures their progress," Slutsky explained.

Chair ofthe Russian upper house ofparliament Foreign Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev also stressed the importance ofRouhanis re-election, calling it a "good sign both forthe country and forthe world." According toKosachev, Rouhani knows how tomake agreements and aims forthem, which is "a good signal forthe whole unstable region and forRussia."

On Friday, Rouhani was re-elected fora second term with57 percent ofthe votes.
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