23 Feb 2025
Sputnik - The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons turned down a proposal by Moscow and Tehran regarding an investigation of the Idlib chemical incident.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) The Organisation forthe Prohibition ofChemical Weapons voted againstthe Russian and Iranian proposal oninvestigation ofa suspected chemical weapons incident inSyrias Idlib, the UK delegation tothe organization said Thursday.

The #OPCW Executive Council has overwhelmingly rejected the Russian and Iranian decision which attempted toundercut the FFM

UK Delegation OPCW (@UK_OPCW) 20 ?????? 2017 ?.

On April 4, a chemical weapons incident inSyria's Idlib province claimed the lives ofsome 80 people and inflicted harm onan additional 200 civilians. The Syrian National Coalition ofRevolutionary and Opposition Forces, aswell asa number ofWestern states, accused the Syrian government troops ofcarrying outthe attack, while Damascus refuted these allegations, witha Syrian army source telling Sputnik that the army did not possess chemical weapons.

The Russian Defense Ministry said onApril 5 that the airstrike nearKhan Shaykhun bythe Syrian air force hit a terrorist warehouse that stored chemical weapons slated fordelivery toIraq, and called onthe UN Security Council tolaunch a proper investigation intothe incident.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said April 6 that groundless accusations inthe chemical weapons incident inSyria's Idlib were unacceptable beforethe investigation intothe matter had been carried out.

However, the incident was used aspretext for a US missile strike againstthe Ash Sha'irat airbase carried outlate onApril 6. US President Donald Trump characterized the strike as a response tothe alleged use ofchemical weapons bythe Syrian government troops while Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said it was a violation ofthe international law. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei described the US missile strike againstthe Syrian airfield as a strategic mistake.

In an exclusive interview withFox Business on April 12, US President Donald Trump blamed the current situation inSyria onMoscow's support forcountry's Assad, calling the Syrian leader "an animal."

Earlier this year, Syrian President Bashar Assad said that the countrys government had never used weapons ofmass destruction, including chemical weapons, againstthe Syrian people. Besides, undera Russian-US deal afterthe east Ghouta sarin gas incident in2013, Damascus joined the Convention onthe Prohibition ofChemical Weapons and agreed todestroy its stockpile underOrganization forthe Prohibition ofChemical Weapons (OPCW) oversight. In January 2016, the OPCW announced that all chemical weapons inSyria had been destroyed.

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