24 Feb 2025
Sputnik News- US moves to expand military support for Saudi and Gulf Arab Emirate forces carrying out air strikes against Houthi rebels could topple Yemen into a famine threatening millions of lives, analysts told Sputnik.

US and Saudi support ofthe Sanaa governments efforts tocut offal-Hudaydah, the fourth largest city inYemen witha population of400,000 could have rapid and catastrophic consequences, policy director atJust Foreign Policy, Dr. Robert Naiman, told Sputnik.

The key short-term danger is that US support ofthe Saudi assault and blockade onHudaydah will be the thing that tips Yemen intofamine asformer US officials have warned, he said.

According topublished reports, US Secretary ofDefense James Mattis was a hardline hawk onthe issue urging stronger US military support forthe Saudis and increased Saudi-led coalition bombing againstthe Houthis, Naiman noted.

The Trump Administration has been divided onwhether togo forward withwhat Mattis wants. A bipartisan group ofmembers ofCongress is weighing inon the side ofthe Trump administration people who are skeptical [about increased US involvement], he said.

Trump campaigned successful in2016 onending US widespread involvement inwars acrossthe Middle East and elsewhere. However, Trump also pledged tointensify the fight todestroy Daesh.

California State University Professor Emeritus ofPolitical Science Beau Grosscup told SputnikTrumps determination toescalate the war inYemen revealed the confusion ofhis policymaking and strategy.

Recent developments provided further evidence ofthe contradictory nature ofUS policy: Support Sunni-Saudi-terrorism inYemen, while fighting alongsideShia Iran [groups] inIraq, he said.

Trump, likePresident Barack Obama beforehim was passively accepting whatever the Saudis and his own most hawkish generals demanded ofhim, regardless ofthe risk or cost, Grosscup pointed out.

It is the cornerstone ofUS War ofTerror. In terms ofUS policy towardSaudi-Arabia: ask and you shall receive and even if you don't ask, we will provide, he said.

Grosscup condemned this approach asalready morally and politically bankrupt and certain toprovoke and motivate a new wave ofextremists tostrike back atthe United States and its allies.

The very real danger is more future reminders that revenge is not a one way street bymeans ofterrorist attacks againstUS and the other industrial capitalist perpetrators ofstate terrorism who are betting they can win a war ofattrition bymeans oftheir technological superiority, he said.
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