Iraqi Prime MinisterHaider al-Abadihas hailed the presence of Iranian militaryadvisersin the countrys battle against Daesh terrorists.
During a Wednesday conference titled "The World with Iraq to defeat Daesh", Abadi also stressed that the Iranianadvisersare present in Iraq on Baghdads request.
He also announced that the Iraqi army is currently engaged in the final stages of planning the latest operations aimed at ridding Mosul from the Daesh terrorists who overran the countrys second largest city in the summer of 2014.
The city is the last remaining bastion of Daesh in Iraq as the military and allies have managed to retake key towns and villages from the militants over the past months.
He stressed that the end of Daeshs presence in the county is close at hand, and that the nation will be celebrating the eradicationof the Takfiri menacein Iraqsoon.

Hundreds of Iraqi families have been fleeing southern Mosul as army soldiers and fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units are taking up positions around the city, which is located some 400 kilometers (250 miles) north of the capitalBaghdad.
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Abadi also noted that the corruption of several officials was one of the main reasons that the Takfiris were able to spread throughout the country, which has been plagued by gruesome violence since Daesh terrorists mounted an offensive in the country in June 2014.
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Meanwhile, the countrysvolunteerforces announced that at least 200 Daesh militantswerekilled in an operation in the countrys western Anbarprovince.
The Popular Mobilization Units, allied with the Iraqi army, have been an efficient force in attempts to recapture militant-heldareas.
By Press TV