1 Apr 2025
TEHRAN (FNA)- Spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi dismissed media allegations on finding uranium particles at an Iranian military base, describing them as politically-tainted.

"The so-called Possible Military Dimensions (PMD) case which was created with political objectives was closed forever after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s studies, including sampling and visits by the IAEA director-general and his deputy to Parchin (military site), the director-general's final report and its presentation at the IAEA's Board of Governors," Kamalvandi said on Monday.

"The politically-tainted reports released by certain international media cannot impair the IAEA's report and the process through which this political issue has ended," he added.

The remarks came in reaction to a report by the WSJ quoting former and current US officials as saying that uranium particles had been found at Parchin last year, and the Obama administration has concluded that the uranium particles likely were tied to past, covert nuclear weapons program of Iran.

Last December, the IAEA closed the case with probe into Iran's past nuclear activities, known as the PMD, after a consensus vote by its Board of Governors.

The IAEA Board of Governors voted in favor of a draft resolution proposed by the six world powers to declare end to investigations into Iran's nuclear activities in the past.

After the approval, Iranian Supreme Leader's Top Adviser for International Affairs Ali Akbar Velayati called on the world powers to remain loyal to their undertakings after the closure of the case with Iran's past nuclear activities and avoid excessive demands.

"If they raise new allegations, it will not be acceptable by Iran," Velayati told reporters.

The Leader's top aide underlined that once the PMD case is closed, then raising any new claims would only mean buyer's remorse, reiterating that both sides (Iran and the world powers) should do their action based on what they have agreed upon and undertaken to do in the nuclear agreement signed in Vienna on July 14.

By Fars News Agency
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