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Lavrov, Kerry, De Mistura give joint press conference after ISSG meeting

Lavrov, Kerry, De Mistura give joint press conference after ISSG meeting
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura are holding a press conference following a meeting of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) in Vienna on May 17 to discuss the cessation of hostilities agreement reached in February.

John Kerry's Speech

The International Syria Support Group (ISSG) calls onall parties tothe Syrian ceasefire todisassociate themselves fromDaesh and Nusra Front terrorist groups, US Secretary ofState John Kerry said Tuesday.
"We call onall parties tothe cessation ofhostilities todisassociate themselves fromDaesh, al-Nusra," Kerry said followingthe ISSG meeting.

The ceasefire inSyria worked outby Russia and the United States took effect onFebruary 27. The cessation ofhostilities does not apply togroups designated bythe United Nations asterrorist organizations, such asDaesh and al-Nusra Front, outlawed ina number ofcountries worldwide including Russia and the United States.

All countries taking part inInternational Syria Support Group (ISSG) meeting have agreed ona framework fora united, non-sectarian Syria, US Secretary ofState John Kerry said.

Earlier inthe day, foreign ministers ofthe International Syria Support Group (ISSG) convened forthe fifth time inVienna.
"All ofthe parties, most importantly Russia, Iran and key regional countries, have agreed ona basic framework ofa united and non-sectarian SyriaThe challenge now is totransform it intoan agreement," Kerry told reporters atthe close ofthe ISSG meeting.

The sides involved inthe Syrian civil war need toreconcile agendas inorder the achieve peace inthe country, he added.

"Those involved inthis conflict withcompeting agendas need toprioritize peace," Kerry stressed.

The UN humanitarian agency World Food Programme should start carrying outair drops ofhumanitarian aid inSyria incase there is no access tothe areas inneed byJune 1, US Secretary ofState John Kerry said Tuesday.
"Starting onJune 1, if the UN is denied humanitarian access toany ofthese designated areas [near the Syrian capital ofDamascus], the ISSG calls onthe World Food Programme toimmediately carry outa program forair bridges and air drops forall those areas inneed. The ISSG pledges tosupport such a program and also calls onall parties toprovide a secure environment forthat program," Kerry said followingthe ISSG meeting inVienna.

Sergei Lavrov's Speech

The ceasefire inSyria worked outby Russia and the United States took effect onFebruary 27 tofacilitate humanitarian access toall besieged areas inthe country, amongother purposes.

The main result ofTuesday's International Syria Support Group (ISSG) meeting was the confirmation ofcommitment toagreements onSyria settlement, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"I consider the main result tobe the full confirmation withoutany exceptions ofthe basis ofour work. This is the joint ISSG statement and UN Security Council resolutions 2218, 2254 and 2268," Lavrov told reporters.

"I would liketo point outthat we noted progress inall areas," he added.

"Today's document confirmed our arrangements ofpolitical process inSyria," Lavrov said. "Violence has decreased sinceFebruary," he added.

"Today's document fixed all previous agreements and new steps voiced byJohn Kerry," Lavrov said.

"We have moved forward inSyrian crisis settlement and today's document confirmed that," Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov added.

Staffan de Mistura's Speech

The intra-Syria talks should be re-launched assoon aspossible, UN Special Envoy forSyria Staffan de Mistura said Tuesday followingthe International Syria Support Group (ISSG) meeting inVienna.

"We cannot wait too long, we need tokeep the momentum. I cannot tell the exact date atthe moment There should be a credible improvement onthe humanitarian side and cessation ofhostilities side," de Mistura said.

Humanitarian aid has tobe delivered tobesieged and hard-to-reach areas ofSyria byaircraft if not byland transport, UN Special Envoy forSyria Staffan de Mistura said Tuesday afterthe meeting ofthe International Syria Support Group inVienna.
"If we cannot reach them [besieged, hard-to-reach areas] byland, we need tostart working hard onhow toreach areas inneed," Mistura said.

The UN envoy added that the decision tolaunch the World Food Programme's humanitarian air drops inSyria is "something new" and positive.

Assad's Fate

Syrian president Bashar Assad should understand that there is no other solution tothe crisis inthe country exceptfor political one, US Secretary ofState John Kerry said Tuesday.
"US always has leverage. But atthe moment we have come here because the greatest leverage is that Assad and people will never feel secure withouta political solution Assad needs tounderstand this reality," Kerry told reporters afterthe International Syria Support Group (ISSG) meeting inVienna.

Moscow is not supporting Syrian President Bashar Assad, butrather the fight againstterrorism inSyria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"John [Kerry] said inhis opening remarks, asif this was obvious, that Russia and Iran support Assad. We don't support Assad. We support the fight againstterrorism. As oftoday, we see no real force that would be more effective thanthe Syrian army, withall its weaknesses, and the opposition groups we have established contact withthrough our base inHmeymim," Lavrov told reporters.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia is concerned byWestern tradition touse sanctions inevery turn. "Moscow is not supporting Assad, butcalls tofighting againstterrorisom," Sergei Lavrov reminded, adding that Russia's partners admit behindthe closed doors that Assad regime poses less threat thanterrorists.

Meanwhile terrorists inSyria are receiving tanks fromabroad, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday followinga meeting ofthe International Syria Support Group.
"Large numbers oftanks are being sent toSyria. There have been incidents, bythe way, where suicide terrorists have used tanks tocommit terrorist acts," Lavrov told reporters, adding that this is "a new development ofthe crisis."

Turkey Helps Daesh Terrorists

There is plenty ofevidence pointing outat Turkey setting upa large network tosupply Daesh terrorists operating inSyria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday.

"We have talked aboutit [the network] fora long time because it is obvious that it is the main supply conduit forextremiststhere is a stretch ofthe border, some 90 kilometers [some 56 miles] that is controlled byDaesh militants fromthe Syrian side and byTurkey fromthe other side," Lavrov told reporters followinga meeting ofthe International Syria Support Group inVienna.

"There are many factors pointing outat a large, widely-spread network created byTurkey onits side side ofthe border tocontinue and cover upthese supplies," Lavrov said, adding that Russia had provided the UN Security Council withopen source data confirming Turkey's "illegal and unacceptable" activities inthat respect.

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