4 Mar 2025
Friday 8 January 2016 - 12:14
Story Code : 195912

Washington wants 'regime change' in Syria 'by hook or by crook'

The American leadership wants to destroy Syria by any means possible but Russia's counterterrorism operation in the war-torn Arab country has forced Washington to support a non-military solution to the conflict, American geopolitical analyst Eric Draitser told PressTV.
"The United States has been pushing forregime change since2011 really byhook or bycrook, using all means necessary," the expert asserted. "Ultimately, the United States wants [the] destruction ofSyria asa state, wants the destruction ofSyria aswe know it and the removal ofAssad asa fundamental part ofthat."
?Initially, Washington's plan involved using rebel groups, likeDaesh and al-Nusra Front, tocarry outa regime change inSyria. Russia's aerial campaign launched followinga formal request fromDamascus made this impossible.

"I think any serious political observer would agree that were it not forRussia's involvement inthe conflict inSyria, the US would not even be willing togo toVienna, would not be willing toreally take part ina substantive political dialogue," Draitser noted.

This is a welcoming development, which, the analyst expects, will bring atleast "temporary peace" toSyria.

Draitser warned that Washington's goals have fundamentally remained the same the US wants Syria tobe ruled bysomeone who is not a member ofAssad's circle and they want the current president gone.

"The United States has moved toa secondary option forregime change which is basically using the chaos and war inorder toforce a political dialogue inwhich the precondition is the removal ofAssad or the so-called transition fromAssad's rule," Draitser assumed.

The analyst mentioned that Bashar al-Assad enjoys popular support inSyria, which could be the main reason why Washington does not want him totake part inthe US-sponsored elections, expected tobe held mid-2017. US policymakers are wary that the Syrian people could well vote forhim.

By Sputnik
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