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Thursday 22 October 2015 - 09:47
Story Code : 185408

Assad-Putin talks open way to ceasefire in Syria

Assad-Putin talks open way to ceasefire in Syria
US experts claim that Bashar Assads visit to Moscow and talks with Vladimir Putin opens the way at last for a negotiated political solution to the Syrian civil war.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Syrian President Bashar Assads visit toMoscow and talks withRussian President Vladimir Putin opens the way atlast fora negotiated political solution tothe Syrian civil war, US experts told Sputnik.

There has always been, throughthe UN-sponsored Geneva process, a good opportunity toresolve Syria's crisis throughdiplomacy and negotiation, Helena Cobban, author oftwo books onthe geopolitics ofSyria, told Sputnik onWednesday.

Previously, that road toa compromise solution was blocked bythe Obama administrations insistence that Assad must be toppled frompower first, Cobban recalled.

However, This was always a patently ridiculous stand, and an expression ofthe regime change agenda forSyria that has deep roots inthe Washington political class, she said.

If the international community had insisted ontoppling President Frederik de Klerk beforestarting any meaningful negotiation, We would still have apartheid and war inSouth Africa today, she noted.

Cobban pointed outthat Assad continues tohold strong support amongordinary Syrians.

The Syrian elements supported byWashington, Cobban added, revealed themselves tobe even weaker and more factionalized thanthe conventional wisdom inthe US capital had previously allowed.

[A]t least now, afterthe two developments ofthe collapse ofthe Pentagon's arm-and-train program and the strengthening ofthe Russian and Iranian deployments inSyria, there is a new opportunity fornegotiations. Most especially sinceWashington has eased upon its Assad must go stance, she stated.

Moscow has taken some steps totry and identify, work withand empower non-Baath elements who can be involved inthe negotiation, Cobban explained.

By contrast, Washington has made so many attempts toput together a single, coherent opposition coalition, undervarious ever-changing names, that the situation would be hilarious if it were not so terribly tragic forSyria's people, Cobban asserted.

The most feasible short-term prospect could be establishing a broad ceasefire inSyria beforewinter sets in, the expert said.

Cobban also suggested that the United Nations could issue a call fora ceasefire followed bythe Syrian government, the United States, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, and the European Union.

To launch this process, UN Secretary General Ban [Ki-moon] should be encouraged totravel toDamascus, Amman and Ankara, she concluded.

Colonel Doug Macgregor, a retired US Army combat officer, published author and expert onMiddle East conflicts, suggested that Washington might adopt the ceasefire idea because the United States did not have any key interests atstake inthe Syrian conflict.

Washington has no strategy because its interests inthe Sunni-Shia conflict are marginal atbest. The Obama Administrations current political goal is tobe seen bycampaign donors and voters as engaged inthe region atleast throughthe presidential election, Macgregor told Sputnik.

However, that level ofinterest did not translate intoa tangible, concrete objective, let alone useful action, Macgregor noted.

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