13 Mar 2025
Sunday 31 May 2015 - 23:18
Story Code : 166443

Spokesman: IAEA politicizing Iran's case

TEHRAN (FNA)- Spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi expressed regret that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) politicizes the technical issues of Tehran's nuclear case.

"Iran's nuclear case is the victim of political games and that's why we are holding political negotiations (with the world powers) otherwise, the case could be settled within the framework of technical negotiations with the Agency," Kamalvandi told Iran's state-run TV on Saturday.

He criticized the UN nuclear watchdog for releasing details of Iran's nuclear program in its reports, and said, "This impairs the principle of secrecy of information."

Kamalvandi said since IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano has no pretext to raise accusations against Iran, he releases detailed information to make his reports look longer, thicker and more important.

"This method is not appropriate for the director-general and he should report on the generalities and keep the details secret, and this will be reflected to the Agency in a memo next week," he added.

In relevant remarks yesterday, Kamalvandi blasted Amano for his repeated claims and legally-deficient report on Iran's nuclear program.

"Under such conditions that we are holding talks with the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) and have agreed to continue our peaceful nuclear activities with certain voluntary restrictions, the Agency points to the suspension of our activities based on the UNSC ('s resolutions against Iran)," Kamalvandi said on Saturday.

He underlined that when the IAEA considers the UNSC resolution, it should also pay attention to the agreements that Tehran has made with the G5+1 and "therefore, the report by the IAEA director-general is legally flawed".

Noting that Iran has informed the UN nuclear watchdog of its reservations and considerations about the report, Kamalvandi expressed regret that the Agency continues to repeat certain points in its reports on Iran.

Amano's Friday report came as he said in March that there had not been any diversion in Iran's nuclear activities that had been under supervision of the UN nuclear watchdog.

During a meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors, Amano said that the agency would continue its supervision and verification of the joint plan of action between Iran and G5+1.

By Fars News Agency
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