The aid consignment includes 15 tons of foodstuff and 15 tons of tents, blankets and utensils, Mahmoud Mozaffar, an IRCS official, said on Saturday.
He added that a relief team would also be dispatched to Myanmar to distribute Irans aid among refugees and identify the needs of people in the Southeast Asian country.
The group would set up relief camps or send medical teams if deemed necessary, the official added.
Some 800,000 Rohingyas are deprived of citizenship rights and suffer from a policy of discrimination that has denied them the right of naturalization and made them vulnerable to acts of violence and persecution, expulsion and displacement.
On December 25, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution expressing concern over the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar and calling on Myanmars government to protect all their human rights, including their right to a nationality.
The UN resolution also stated that there are systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Myanmar.
Hundreds of Rohingyas are believed to have been killed and thousands displaced in attacks by Buddhist extremists. The assaults have been mainly carried out in the western state of Rakhine.
Myanmars army forces have reportedly provided the extremists with containers of petrol for torching the Muslim villagers' houses.
By Press TV
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