One hundred forty-one international media, namely 76 broadcasters, 26 news agencies, 26 publications, 10 photo agencies and three news websites have offices in Iran.
One hundred forty-one international media, namely 76 broadcasters, 26 news agencies, 26 publications, 10 photo agencies and three news websites have offices in Iran, the Iranian Students� News Agency reported on May 19.
Up to 41 of the broadcasters are Islamic broadcasters, among them Al-Manar, Al Mayadeen, Aletejah, Al Forat, Beladi, Al-Ahd, Al Ghadeer, Al-Salam and Al-Quds.
The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the Voice of Afghanistan and Iraq�s al-Nakhil are three of the six Islamic news agencies with offices in Iran. Of the 26 publications, five are Islamic, including the Emirati newspaper of Al-Ittihad and the Lebanese daily of As-Safir.
CCTV, Phoenix, China Radio International as well as Germany�s RTL, ZDF, ARD and Austria�s ORF are some of the international broadcasters with offices in Iran, the report said.
American TV channels CBS, ABC, NBC, and CNN have journalists and correspondents on the ground in Tehran.
Giant international news agencies such as the AP, Bloomberg and Platts, France�s AFP, Russia�s Itar-Tass, China�s Xinhua, Japan�s Kyodo and Germany�s DPA along with key papers such as the Times, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Britain-based Al-Hayat, Yomiuri, the Asahi Shimbun, the Mainichi Shimbun, NIKKEI (Nihon Keizai Shimbun) and China�s Wenhui Bao also have Iran-based offices.
Getty Images, Corbis Images and Polaris Images, France�s Sipa Press and Abaca, Australia�s Front Line, Britain�s Panos Pictures and Impact, Germany�s Laif are among the 10 photo agencies which have offices in Iran.
Up to 285 journalists work for these foreign news outlets. More than 190 of them are Iranian, 92 are foreigners, and 40 are women.
Last year [ended on May 20, 2015], some 650 foreign journalists were granted a press visa to cover different national events across the country.