2 Mar 2025
Thursday 9 April 2015 - 10:43
Story Code : 159162

Iran unlikely to give Turkey gas discount in near future - Experts

Turkey is unlikely to receive any discounts to buy more natural gas from Iran in the next few years, Turkish energy pundits told Sputnik Thursday.
MOSCOW (Sputnik)�� On Tuesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, during�his visit to�Tehran, that Turkey was ready to�increase its import of�Iranian gas if the price was acceptable."Iran has not made any concessions up�to this day and is showing now that this policy will not be changed. I do not think that Iran will reduce natural gas prices in�the short term. But if a new agreement is signed, then the Iranian government could offer a new price," Omid Shokri Kalehsar, an energy analyst at�the Yalova University, said.

The energy pundit added that Turkey was buying "its most expensive gas from�Iran for $480 [per 1,000 cubic meters]." Russia and Azerbaijan are the other two major suppliers of�gas to�Turkey.

In February 2015, Ankara lodged a suit with�the International Court of�Arbitration, asking for�a 25-percent decrease in�price for�Iranian gas. But experts say it will take time for�Iran to�reduce the prices.

"As of�now Iran cannot afford to�increase production of�natural gas within�a short space of�time to�supply the volumes that Turkey wants to�receive. Iran will need at�least three to�five years. That is why I do not think that Tehran will be able to�offer any considerable discount," Tugche Varol Sevim, energy security researcher at�the 21. Century Turkey Institute, said.

The expert added that, with�international sanctions still in�place, Iran relies heavily on�the revenues from�oil and gas exports.

Last week, the United States and the United Nations promised to�lift energy-related sanctions imposed on�Iran after�the International Atomic Energy Agency monitors verify that Tehran follows through�the agreements reached in�Lausanne last week.

Tehran agreed to�cut back its uranium enrichment program and reduce the number of�centrifuges in�the country as�part of�the framework deal with�the P5+1 countries.

The P5+1 group includes the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, China and Germany.

By Sputnik News

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