Former US congressman Ron Paul has criticized President Barack Obama for requesting Congress to pass an authorization for the use of military force resolution against the ISIL terrorist group.
In an article published on his website on Wednesday, Paul said the purpose of the resolution would be to give Obama official authority to do measures that he has been doing for the past six years.
This new authority will acknowledge that more advisors will be sent. Most importantly it will appear to have given moral sanction to the wars that have already been going for years, he wrote.
The comments were made after Obama asked Congress on Wednesday to authorize a three-year war against ISIL.
The resolution would provide the US president political cover at home and a firmer legal basis on which to execute the war against the ISIL Takfiri group and associated forces."
The former presidential candidate also attacked Washingtons policies of foreign interventionism, saying the United States is fighting in the Middle East for 25 years and many needless deaths and dollars have been spent.
Paul described giving extra authority to make new wars in the Middle East as a serious mistake.
The Obama administrations policy to declare war against ISIL is like declaring war against communism or fascism, according to the former congressman.
The enemy cannot be identified or limited. Both are ideological and armies are incapable of stopping an idea, good or bad, that the people do not resist or that they support, Paul said.
He concluded that the ISIL terror network has been strengthened by Washingtons efforts.
By Press TV