Iranian ambassador to Lebanon Mohammad Fathali listens to Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah in Beirut's southern suburbs, Friday, Jan. 30, 2015.[/caption]
BEIRUT:Iranis optimistic it can improve relations with regional foe Saudi Arabia, Iranian Ambassador toLebanonMohammad Fathalisaid Wednesday, adding that the two countries have common enemies inIsraeland ISIS.
We seek to establish the best brotherly relations with Saudi Arabia, based on the principle of mutual respect, Fathali told a radio station.
We see positive indications on the horizon for Iranian-Saudi relations, he added.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarifs participation in last months funeral services for Saudi KingAbdullahwas just one gesture of goodwill, the diplomat explained.
The move was reciprocated Tuesday by Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awad Asiri, who participated in a ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. The Iranian ambassador described relations with his Saudi counterpart as very good.
Saudi Arabia and Iran have common enemies likeISISand Israel, Fathali said. The Saudi elites have reached this conviction.
Fathali said Irans relations withTurkeyhave also improved.
Turkish-Iranian relations are very good and [the value of] economic trade has reached $20 billion, he added.
There will be an official visit for Turkish PresidentRecep Tayyip Erdogan[soon].
A fierce opponent of the West especially theUnited States Iran has long been a regional rival ofSaudi Arabiaand Turkey. Both countries are U.S. allies.
Discord between the nations was exacerbated by the eruption of the Syrian civil war, as Iran supported Syrian PresidentBashar Assadand his regime, while Turkey and Saudi Arabia backed rebel groups.
Asiri took part in a ceremony organized by theIranian Embassyat the Beirut International Exhibition andLeisure Centerto celebrate the 36th anniversary of the victory of the Iranian Revolution.
During the event, the Saudi diplomat was seen shaking hands with Sheikh Naim Qassem, the deputy-head of Hezbollah, Irans major ally in Lebanon.
Delivering a speech during the ceremony, Fathali said that Iran stood by the side of Lebanons people, government, Army, and resistance.
Lebanons national unity is the mightiest weapon to confront the Zionist enemy and all the other dangers surrounding [the country], the envoy added.
Fathali said Iran supported any dialogue which brought Lebanese political factions together, referring to ongoing talks betweenHezbollahand the Future Movement.
He also said he hoped that all Lebanese factions, particularly Christian groups, would agree on a new president as soon as possible.
Lebanon has been without a president since last May.
By The Daily Star