Iranian Deputy Minister of Energy Alireza Daemiannounced cessation of construction of four large damsin UrmiaLakebasin, the largest lake inthe Middle East and one of the unique ecosystems of the world.
Describing the Lakes latest statusas well asthemeasures taken tosaveit,Alireza Daemipointed to aseriesofmeasures focusedonsolving Lakecrisisincluding cloud seeding, reducingwater consumption, environmentalimpactassessment, productivity increase, etc.
Alireza Daemi pointed to the governmental budget and necessary funds allocated to save the Lake and highlighted themeasures to be carried outsimultaneously.
Pointing to theongoingimprovement inthe level ofthe Lake due to moreprecipitationduring autumn, Daemiunderlined that the accumulatedrainfallis around 170 mm which is related to the ecological aspect and requiresextensivework inthe field of agriculture.
Dredgingrivers,cloud seedingstudies,water transfer fromotherareas and the reservoir drainageare among activities implementedorarein progress to save the largest salt lake in northwestern Iran, Western Azerbaijan Province, Daemi added.
By Mehr News Agency
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