There are a lot of positive indications signifying that the issue of Irans nuclear program will reach an outcome, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum was quoted by the Gulfnews as saying on Sunday.
He said he is optimistic that the year 2015 will see some positive political indications in the region despite difficult changes.
Hi scomment came as Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) have held several rounds of talks to hammer out a final deal to end a decade of impasse over Tehrans civilian nuclear work.
They wrapped up seven days of intensive nuclear talks in Vienna on November 24 without securing a long-awaited comprehensive deal.
They decided to extend talks on Tehrans civilian nuclear program for seven more months.
Tehran and the G5+1 (also known as P5+1 or E3+3) are scheduled to resume the talks at the deputy level in Geneva, Switzerland, on Wednesday.
By Tasnim News Agency
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