US Vice President Joe Biden said that it is not the right time to introduce new sanctions against Tehran as there is still a chance for a breakthrough in consultations.
WASHINGTON, December 6 (Sputnik) Iran nuclear talks should come toa positive conclusion, and it is not the right time tointroduce new sanctions againstTehran there is still a chance fora breakthrough inconsultations, US Vice President Joe Biden said Saturday.
There may well be a time when the increased pressure is needed and welcomed. I have met withmore than168 members ofthe Senate and I have made it clear that there may well be a time when we are not only welcoming, butwe are asking foradditional sanctions But now it is not the right time todo that And withall that is happening inthe region, this is not the time torisk a breakdown, when we still have a chance fora breakthrough, Biden said atthe Saban forum.
Tehran has been a target ofsanctions imposed bythe UN Security Council, aswell asthe European Union, the United States, and several other countries overthe allegations that Iran is trying toproduce nuclear weapons underthe guise ofa civilian program. These claims have been repeatedly denied byTehran officials, who assured that the country's nuclear development has a peaceful nature and is aimed purely atsatisfying the country's energy needs.
Last year, Iran and theP5+1group ofinternational mediators comprising Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China and Germany agreed tostrike a long-term deal that would guarantee the peaceful nature ofthe Iranian nuclear program byJuly 2014. The deadline was later extended toNovember 24.
At the latest roundof talks betweenIran and the P5+1 countries held inVienna, the parties failed toreach a comprehensive deal onIran's nuclear program bythe earlier set November 24 deadline. The sides agreed toprolong the Geneva agreements and continue their dialogue untilJuly 2015.
By Sputnik News
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Joe Biden