Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov claims that to make future agreement on Iranian nuclear program binding, UN Security Council resolution to be needed.
MOSCOW, November 21 (Sputnik) The UN Security Council will need topass a resolution tomake the agreement onIran's nuclear program legally binding, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said uponhisarrival inVienna.
"To provide judicial sustainability and binding nature, a UN Security Councils' resolution will be needed," Ryabkov told journalists Friday.
"The resolution will be needed toapprove the future agreement and tomake it binding," he added.
Iran is currently subject toa number ofsanctions passed bythe UN Security Council, aswell aseconomic sanctions bythe European Union, the United States, and a number ofother countries that accuse Iran ofdeveloping nuclear weapons underthe guise ofa civilian nuclear program.
The final roundof talks onthe Iranian nuclear issue betweenTehran and the P5+1 group ofinternational negotiators, which comprises Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China and Germany, began inVienna onTuesday.
During talks inGeneva inNovember 2013, theP5+1 groupagreed toreach a long-term comprehensive agreement withTehran byJuly 2014, guaranteeing the peaceful nature ofthe Iranian nuclear program.
The deadline forthe final deal was later extended toNovember 24.