5 Mar 2025
Tuesday 22 July 2014 - 17:27
Story Code : 107965

Islamic Propagation Coordination Council calls for Quds Day demonstrations

Islamic Propagation Coordination Council calls for Quds Day demonstrations
TEHRAN, July 22 (MNA) � The Islamic Propagation Coordination Council has called for public �epic� demonstrations on International Quds Day.
The call comes ahead of the 36th�International Quds Day, which urges all Iranians to participate in the demonstrations with �revolutionary and epic presence,� and �hearts full of piety and firm steps and clenched fists� as they did before, �in unified lines along with Prophet�s great Umma and all world�s freedom-lovers,� to cry their �anger, hatred, and wrath out loud against international Zionism and Imperialism.�

Friday, July 25 is the last Friday of Holy Month of Ramadan, when �pious, fasting, and Revolutionary people of Islamic Iran will entreat to God the Sublime the liberation of the Holy Quds from the yoke of the illegitimate and occupier Zionist regime through relying upon their prayers in Qadr (Power) Nights.�

�In August 7 1979, which had coincided the last Friday of Ramadan of the year, Imam Khomeini (RA) designated the day as the International Quds Day as a momentous and valuable memory as a day for �great Islamic resistance and awakening front� to counter �international Zionism and Imperialism,�� said the statement.

International Quds Day is marked by Muslims and non-Muslims around the world to show solidarity with Palestinians. In some countries people demonstrate on last Sunday of Ramadan.

By Mehr News Agency

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