4 Mar 2025
Sunday 22 December 2013 - 14:24
Story Code : 73132

Thoughts on President Rouhani?s WAVE by Stephen Lendman

London, Dec. 21, IRNA - In September, President Rouhani captured world attention. He did so addressing the UN General Assembly in New York.
He had important things to say.

He was eloquent, straightforward and candid. He made Obama and Netanyahu look hair-brained by comparison.

He urged peace and reconciliation. He promised ?government of hope and prudence?. He pledged ?constructive interaction with the world.?

He said what he means and meant what he said. He called ?the age of zero sum games...over.?

?Militarism and the recourse to violent and military means to subjugate others are failed examples of the perpetuation of old ways in new circumstances.?

He condemned ?unjust sanctions.? They?re a ?manifestation of structural violence,? he said. Theyre ?intrinsically inhumane and against peace.?

They?re fundamentally lawless. They harm ordinary Iranians most. They?re imposed for that reason.

?Common people are victimized,? said Rouhani, not ?states (or) political elite(s).?

Western imposed sanctions ?violate inalienable human rights,? he stressed.

He proposed an important UN initiative. He calls it ?the World Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE).?

?Let us all join this ?WAVE,? ? he said.

?I invite all states, international organizations and civil institutions to undertake a new effort to guide the world in this direction.?

?We should start thinking about ?Coalition for Enduring Peace? all across the globe instead of the ineffective ?Coalitions for War.? ?

On December 18, the General Assembly passed Rouhani?s resolution. It did so 190 - 1. Israel alone voted no.

Adopting WAVE is another positive step. Doing so doesn?t end 34 years of Iran bashing. They resonate in Washington and Israel.

They continue relentlessly. Iran seeks constructive dialogue. It?s making headway toward achieving it. Much more needs to be done. Hostile US/Israeli positions aren?t easily overcome.

Obama speaks with forked tongue. On the one hand, he extends outreach. On the other, he breached Geneva terms. He did so by imposing new sanctions on Iranian, Asian and European companies.

Twenty-six US senators proposed new sanctions. Others in both Houses urge them. Doing so shows no letup in US hostility.

It?s unrelated to Iran?s nuclear program. It?s red herring cover for longstanding US plans. It wants all independent governments ousted. It wants pro-Western subservient ones replacing them.

Israel is part of Washington?s dirty scheme. If Iran had no nuclear program, another pretext for criticism would be used.

Changing this type of hostility won?t be easy. Every victory is important. Rouhani won an important one at the UN. Hopefully many more will follow.

Washington bears full responsibility for most global violence, instability and insecurity. Key NATO partners, Israel, and regional Arab League allies share it.

Today is the most perilous time in world history. Middle East conflicts show no signs of ending. Nor do other regional ones.

Obama?s war on Syria rages out-of-control. Peace is a convenient illusion. Washington supports the most radical extremist elements. US officials lie claiming otherwise.

War in Afghanistan could continue for another decade. Iraq and Libya are cauldrons of violence. Wherever America shows up, mass killing, destruction and human misery follow.

The same goes for Israel. Peaceful conflict resolution chances are practically zero. It?s been this way for decades.

America and Israel deplore peace. Their agendas perpetuate violence and instability. Nothing looks promising going forward.

Both target Iran. Netanyahu is a world class thug. Obama can?t be trusted... he broke every major promise made.

It?s up to him to change things. His policies show no signs of doing so.

In most respects, the UN is Washington occupied territory. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon ... supports the worst of US and Israeli policies. He?s done nothing to oppose them.

What?s ahead next year remains to be seen. It?s up to ordinary people everywhere to demand peace, not war.

Most of all, it?s up to Americans to get Washington to change policy. It happened before. It can happen again.

It?ll take sustained commitment to do it. What more important time than now to try. Humanity?s fate hangs in the balance. It remains very much up for grabs.



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