President [Hassan] Rouhani is absolutely sincere in wanting normalize relations not just with America but with all Western nations. Its been so long. Its been nearly 35 years where Iran has been treated more like a hostile alien force than a normal country, Lendman told Press TV on Tuesday.
They want to normalize relations the same as every country wants with other countries, but its been denied that its been so because Iran is an independent country and Washington and Israel and its allies dont tolerate independent countries, he added.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is in New York to deliver a speech at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. US President Barack Obama will also address the General Assembly on Tuesday.
The analyst said it is very likely that the two presidents meet each other and it would be a great surprise if they didnt meet.
The Symbolism of handshakes and smiles and photo ops and so on, they mean nothing at all. What matter is will America change its longstanding policy with Iran. Id love to hope that to happen, but I honestly dont believe it, Lendman said.
Americas policy is to be intolerant of all independent states. It wants every nation in the world subservient to US interests. It wants pro-Western governments in these countries ruling them, he added.
By Press TV
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