28 Mar 2025
Monday 6 January 2020 - 16:22
Story Code : 367353

US Big Lies about revered Iranian commander

Press TV | Stephen Lendman: All wars and related hostile actions are unjustifiably justified by Big Lies and deception.

Iranian IRGC Quds Force commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani was a redoubtable figure.

Widely respected in Iran and abroad, he was a key strategist in pursuing regional peace and stability free from the scourge of US-supported terrorists and the curse of its imperial occupation.

General Soleimanis assassination last Friday by the Trump regime was an act of war on Iraq where he was killed and on Iran where he served for decades with courage, dedication, and distinction from US-orchestrated Iraqi aggression on Iran in the 1980s until his US state-sponsored murder.

Trump falsely claimed he killed or badly wounded thousands of Americans over an extended period of time, and was plotting to kill many more (sic), adding:

He was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of millions of people (sic) an astonishing Big Lie even by his dissembling standards.

As US commander-in-chief, the dubious distinction applies to him. His regime and congressional accomplices share blame for endless preemptive wars on nonthreatening nations a flagrant UN Charter violation.

Iran hasnt attacked another country in centuries! The Islamic Republic seeks regional peace and cooperation with other nations.

Trump falsely accused Soleimani of plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel (sic), but we caught him in the act (sic) and terminated him.

No evidence was cited because none exists, no imminentsinister attacks on US civilian and military personnel planned. Trump lied claiming otherwise.

He falsely accused Soleimani of target(ing), injur(ing), and murder(ing) hundreds of American civilians and servicemen.

Evangelical Christian fascist Mike Pence falsely accused Soleimani of assist(ing) in the clandestine travel of 10 of 12 terrorists who carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Allegedly 19, not 12, individuals were involved in the 9/11 mother of all false flag attacks wrongfully blamed on Osama bin Laden and crazed Arabs. It was carried out by the CIA and Mossad.

No Islamic Republic officials have been involved in terrorist attacks anywhere a US, NATO, Israeli specialty, not how Iran operates.

Trumps ordered killing of Soleimani was a strategic blunder, dark forces in Washington convincing him to act unlawfully and imprudently.

Lebanese Al Mayadeen television director Ghassan bin Jiddo called Soleimani a brave leader.

Millions of Iranians, countless others in regional countries and elsewhere mourn his loss, enraged over US state-sponsored murder a CIA/Pentagon specialty.

Assassination elevated Soleimani to martyrdom status, larger than life in death than while alive.

He rose to prominence from humble roots, becoming one of Irans most revered figures.

Former CIA officer John Maguire called him the single most powerful operative in the Middle East on the side of the angels against the scourge of imperial wars, he omitted.

Following Irans 1979 Islamic Revolution, ending a generation of US-installed tyranny, he joined the newly founded Islamic Revolution Guards Corp (IRGC).

As a battlefield commander during US-sponsored Iraqi aggression on Iran in the 1980s, he led the 41st Sarallah Division.

In 1997, he was appointed to lead Irans elite Quds Force, an Iranian intelligence analyst, explaining that it was largely unknown until Bush/Cheneys 2003 aggression against Iraq.

Dangers to Iran posed by what happened compelled (Tehran) to intervene for strategic reasons, he said, giving Soleimani a chance to exhibit his asymmetric war leadership capabilities.

In 2019, he became the first Islamic Republic military commander to be awarded the Order of Zulfaqar, named after Imam Ali (PUBH), one of Islams most revered figures.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called Hajj Qassem a living martyr of the revolution, in death saying:

He came close to martyrdom repeatedly, but in performing his duty and fighting for the cause of God, he had no fear of anyone or anything.

He served the Islamic Republic with courage, honor, and devotion to his homeland as a sincere and exalted fighter perishing at the hands of the worlds most villainous individuals.

Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif expressed special respect for Soleimani, adding:

For over 20 years (they) closely collaborated to advance the objectives of the Islamic Republic in finding political and peaceful solutions.

Soleimani was a warrior for peace, for protecting Iran and its people, aiding Syrian President Bashar al-Assad combat the scourge of US-supported terrorism in an advisory role.

Iranian forces in the country arent involved in combat, operating from Syrian facilities, not their own, their same role in Iraq when Iran has no bases of its own.

Iran supports regional peace, stability, and mutual cooperation with other countries.

Its against the scourge of US imperialism, an enemy of its jihadist foot soldiers.

It stands tall for preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations on the US target list for regime change.

IRGC General Jafar Assadi said Soleimani convinced Vladimir Putin to intervene in Syria against the US-supported terrorist threat to its sovereign independence.

He played a lead strategic role in smashing the scourge of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Mourned by millions in Iran and abroad, hes sorely missed.

Stephen Lendman, born in 1934 in Boston, started writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient. Lendman wrote this article for Press TV website.

Lendmans newest book as editor and contributor is titled"Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."
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