23 Feb 2025
Saturday 17 November 2018 - 12:28
Story Code : 326984

US is interested in Iran-Saudi Arabia clash prolongation - Political scientist

Sputnik - A report published by the New York Times claims, Saudi intelligence officials close to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman last year were planning to assassinate several Iranian officials, including the leader of the Quds Force of the IRGC*. Sputnik discussed this with Iranian diplomat Hossein Sheikholeslam and Middle East expert Hasan Royvaran.

The New York Times reported that Saudi Arabian intelligence officers "pitched a $2 billion plan touse private intelligence operatives totry tosabotage the Iranian economy" and "asked a small group ofbusinessmen aboutusing private companies toassassinate Iranian enemies ofthe kingdom."

Diplomat Hossein Sheikholeslam, who atthat time served asadvisor tothe head ofthe Iranian Foreign Ministry, told Sputnik that Saudi Arabia really did provide financial assistance toIran's opponents, and tried to "paralyze" the country.
"The Saudi prince was ina great hurry tobecome king. It appears that the crime that was committed inTurkey againstthe Saudi journalist (Jamal Khashoggi) has deprived him ofa future. They repeatedly said that they would bring disruption toIran and complicate the situation inIran. All the statements ofthe Crown Prince were aboutthis," the official said.

Sheikholeslam further noted that "indeed, Saudi Arabia officially provides all kinds ofassistance, including funding, toterrorist organizations including Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MeK, a left-wing radical opposition group inIran). This organization, aswell asMossad, carried outseveral sabotages inIran, not withoutthe help and support ofthe Saudis. Their last terrorist attack was inAhvaz. They themselves officially have declared that Iran needs tobe paralyzed. It's quite natural that the NYT article is not far fromthe truth."

According toMiddle East expert and political scientist Hasan Royvaran, the US wants towiden the gap betweenIran and Saudi Arabia. He said that such publications are related tothe killing ofa Saudi journalist and the attitude ofsome congressmen inthe US towardsthe Crown Prince. The expert also noted that the Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia has caused enormous damage tothe Iranian economy throughdirect interference.
"I think this is related tothe Khashoggi case. Media inthe United States are divided intotwo groups. One group, which includes the New York Times, is againstbin Salman and demands his resignation fromthe government. Some congressmen have the same position, stating that Mohammed bin Salman harms US national interests. Maybe forthis reason, they raised this topic. As a resident ofIran, I believe inthis (information) and perceive this not aspropaganda againstthe Saudi prince, butas a reality, because afterthe first wave ofAmerican sanctions againstIran, many began tobuy currency, which led toa decrease inthe value of (Iran's) national currency," he said.

Royvaran also noted that Saudi Arabia has operatives insideIran who are helping the Kingdom wage its economic war inorder todestabilize the Islamic Republic, stressing that "the government ofIran set upspecial courts todeal witheconomic crime and inorder totry those involved inoperations inthe financial sphere. There were trials held duringwhich it became clear that [the defendants] had connections toforeign countries. And now we can conclude that Saudi Arabia may be one oftheir backers."
"After the second wave ofsanctions, despitethe fact that they were stronger (than the first round), Iran did not experience an economic 'shock', which, alongwith the strengthening ofthe rial, surprised the United States. The dollar fell. During the first period ofsanctions inIran, over $20 billion was thrown intothe market. People could not have so much cash, obviously there was some third party involved."

The Middle East expert also told Sputnik that despiteSaudi Kingdom's intervention inthe Iranian economy, he believes that the Saudis were unlikely tobe involved inthe plan tokill a high-ranking Iranian official.

"Regarding the fact that they developed a plan toassassinate General Qassim Suleimani, then, most likely, this is not true. We must be wary ofUS claims that Saudi Arabia is behindall this. It cannot be claimed withone hundred percent certainty that Mohammed bin Salman was involved, sincethe prolongation ofthe clash betweenIran and Saudi Arabia is entirely inthe interests ofthe United States," the expert said.

He further stressed that Bin Salman demanded that OPEC cut oil production by1 million barrels per day, which is "completely inconsistent withUS policy."

Royvaran concluded that "perhaps Bin Salman, withthese demands, is looking fora rapprochement withIran, and the United States bypublishing such news, is seeking toincrease the distance betweenIran and the Saudi Kingdom. I think this can very well be the case, and one shouldn't entirely believe all the news that is published inthe American press."

The views and opinions expressed bythe speakers do not necessarily reflect those ofSputnik.

*IRGC Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
*Quds Force ofthe IRGC a special operations unit ofthe Revolutionary Guard with10,000 15,000 personnel, handling activities abroad.

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