1 Mar 2025
Thursday 25 October 2018 - 15:00
Story Code : 324592

Western media is muffled by US government on Syria - Professor

Western media is muffled by US government on Syria - Professor

Sputnik - At last weeks Valdai discussion group conference in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed that 700 civilians had been taken hostage in Syria's Deir-al Zor province after attacking a refugee camp in an area controlled by US-backed forces.

Apparently around130 families had been captured, withmilitants vowing toexecute 10 people every day if their demands are not met bythe Russian/Syrian side. The Russian President, who stated that US and European nationals had been amongstthe captured, expressed his surprise that the story had not been picked upby the western media. The US meanwhile denies the validity ofthe story.

Sputnik spoke toProfessor Tim Anderson fromthe University ofSydney forsome clarity asto what is really going onin Syria.

Sputnik: Which side are we tobelieve when it comes tothis story?

Tim Anderson:The area indicated bythe Russian President is an area controlled bythe US military.

The US and its proxies whether they were Daesh or the SDF did not allow the Syrian government toliberate a lot ofthat territory east ofthe Euphrates when the Syrian government liberated Deir-ez-Zor aboutthis time last year.

So those people are said tohave been taken froma refugee camp south ofDeir-ez-Zor toa town called Hajin which is very close toAl Bukamal downin the south east corner ofSyria. That is area controlled bythe US and so its embarrassing forthem toadmit the operations ofDaesh inthat area.

Sputnik: That might explain why the story has not been picked upby the western mainstream media do you think?

Tim Anderson:Yes, because the western media is really looking forpermission throughoutthis war fromthe US government inparticular forwhat they can and cannot say. Its ina very close relationship.
You see the same forthe Daesh attacks insouthern Syria onthe town ofAs Suwayda some months ago they still have some hostages fromthat attack they killed 200 people there and they had come froman area ofthe desert that was overtowards Al Tanf which is an area also directly military occupied byUS forces.

They have attacked Syrian and Syrian allied forces which had gone nearthat area. So effectively the US has created safe havens where terrorist groups, particularly Daesh, inthe south and south east are using tohide inand come back and carry outraids still.

Sputnik: So President Putin has said there needs tobe much more cooperation betweenthe Russian side and the US coalition when it comes toSyria. What would you say tothat?

Tim Anderson:Well its a diplomatic game Russia is carrying outto maintain the nice fiction that theres not a real, genuine, strategic difference betweenthe Russian and US forces inSyria.
The fact is the US is still using its presence todivide Syria, totry toprevent the remaining areas frombeing liberated bythe Syrian army and there are quite different objectives. Of course indiplomatic language hes trying touse reason and appeal tothe agreements which have been reached atthe United Nations toeliminate the terrorist groups inparticularly those allied toDaesh or Al-Nusra.

And the US has gone alongwith that verbally butas I say they have deliberately set upbases and imposed their own military toforces which are supporting their proxy armies inSyria which bythe way includes Daesh, asdespite their denials we know its very clear that they are close allies inparticular Saudi Arabia has been financing Daesh fromthe beginning.

Sputnik: Do you think were ata stage now where regime change is finally offthe table forthe US is it always going tobe an end goal forthem?

Tim Anderson:They would likeit butI think theyve realized that its not possible and indeed the Syrian government has made significant progress withthe support ofIran, Russia and some others Hezbollah forexample.
So they current game has shifted toan attempt todismember Syria totry toprevent Damascus fromrecovering its strength inthe north east ofSyria where theres a stand offat the moment.

Sputnik: Lieutenant General Savchenko says there are still problems withthe ceasefire being broken inIdlib?

Tim Anderson:Thats right, theres very little progress.

There is some progress butvery little progress withthe agreement that Russia reached withTurkey aboutestablishing secure zones so that Al-Quaeda groups couldnt shell Latakia and Aleppo theyve been continuing todo that and theres been some extensions ofthe schedule given toTurkey totry tocreate some secure zones there.

But Syria hasnt given upon Idlib, and the problem has been that the US withits allies likeBritain have threatened tobomb the Syrians if they even attempt tomove intoIdlib. Even the pretext ofa false flag ofchemical weapons has not been relied onat this stage. There are several indications that the US says that if the Syrians move onIdlib they will come inand bomb.
And ofcourse that is one ofthe main reasons why there was this delay imposed onthe operation toliberate Idlib because Syria and Russia feared that there was going tobe a much greater escalation withthe threats fromthe NATO powers.

Views and opinions expressed inthis article are those ofTim Anderson and do not necessarily reflect those ofSputnik.

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