12 Mar 2025

Sputnik- The lions share of Israeli media earlier voiced concerns over the Russian Defense Ministrys plans to reconsider supplies of S-300 systems to Syria following the western-coordinated airstrikes against the war-weary country.

Mark Heller, principal research associate atthe Institute forNational Security Studies, Tel Aviv University, has shared withSputnik what Damascus potential purchase ofthe Russian long range surface-to-air missile S-300 systems would mean forIsrael.
Israel is concerned that more effective Syrian air defenses built aroundadvanced Russian equipment would limit Israel's ability tooperate againstIranian and Hezbollah forces inSyria, which are part ofIran's overall regional strategy, aswell asagainst Syrian weapons ofmass destruction facilities and supply lines toHezbollah inLebanon, Heller said, echoing Tel Avivs official stance onIrans alleged presence inSyria.

While stressing that Israel favored the trilateral cooperation betweenthe US, France and the UK, Heller has suggested that the alliance lacks a broader strategic framework tohinder a total Syrian regime victory inthe civil war that, according tohim, would boost Irans hegemonic aspirations inthe region.

The researcher told Sputnik that despiteIsraels close partnership withthe United States, Tel Aviv welcomed the thawing relations withMoscow, and hopes tosee more progress inthe future.
Many Israelis see Russia asa potential stabilizing force inSyria and one that might contain Iranian expansion inthe future. At the same time, it needs tobe admitted that atthe present time, Russia is aligned withthe forces most hostile and potentially most dangerous toIsrael Iran and its various proxies. [] Conflict withRussia is the very last thing that Israel wants, buteveryone needs tounderstand that Israel will act toforestall the most dangerous outcomes inSyria (i.e., Syria becoming a forward Iranian base), Heller clarified.

Speaking aboutthe prospects ofthe bilateral relations betweenTehran and Tel Aviv, Heller said that Iranian hostility towardIsrael will be perceived as irreconcilable and exceedingly dangerous, unless the regime inIran collapses.
Therefore, fromIsrael's perspective, the most important variable inSyria is how everyone else contributes toIran's agenda or undermines it. Since Russia is now the foremost extra-regional power inthe Syrian arena, its approach tothis issue is critical inIsraeli eyes and will be the major factor indetermining whether tensions abate or escalate intooutright conflict, Heller concluded.

The Israeli media, including The Jerusalem Post, had earlier warned that Israels air superiority was atrisk ofbeing challenged inone ofthe most difficult areas if Russia opted tosell Syria more advanced weapons. Another analyst fromI24 news broadcaster Ron Ben-Yishai shared those concerns, insisting that Israel would have totake cautionary and preventive measures not yet taken so far.

On April 14, Chief ofthe Main Operational Directorate ofthe Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy announced that Moscow might reconsider selling the S-300 systems toDamascus inthe wake ofthe US and allied airstrikes againstSyria inresponse tothe alleged use ofchemical weapons bythe Assad forces inthe city ofDouma.

According tothe Russian Defense Ministry, a total of71 cruise missiles outof 103, fired bythe trilateral alliance, had been intercepted bySyrian air defense systems, which appeared tohave been made inthe Soviet Union over30 years ago.
Syrias means ofair defense: S-125, S-200 air defense systems, [as well as] Buk and Kvadrat units were used torepel the missile strike, the ministry stated.

Mounting Tensions Between Israel and Syria

Last week, the Syrian state-agency SANA reported, citing its own correspondent, that the T-4, also known asTiyas, airbase inHoms province had beenexposed toa missile attack. While the media suggested that the United States might have been behindthe attack which the Pentagon immediately denied, the Russian Defense Ministry stated thattwo Israeli fighter jetshad attacked the airfield, withstrikes being carried outfrom Lebanese airspace. The ministry further specified that five outof eight rockets were repelled bySyrian air defenses beforereaching their stated targets. As a result ofthe attack, 14 people were reportedly killed, including seven Iranian nationals.

In February 2018, Tel Aviv launched an airstrike ontheT-4 airbase, having hit 12 Syrian and Iranian military targets. On the eve ofthe attack, Israel claimed that one ofits helicopters hadintercepted an Iranian unmanned aerial vehicleafterit had crossed intothe disputed area ofthe Golan Heights, which have been atthe center ofa conflict betweenSyria and Israel, and struck atwhat the IDF described asIranian targets inSyria, prompting retaliatory fire fromSyrian air defense systems, which brought downthe Israeli F-16 fighter jet.

The views expressed inthis article are solely those ofthe speaker and do not necessarily reflect the official position ofSputnik.

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